
#8 Cannot build or rebuild collections index


I'm trying to build a Rescarta web using Arvixe hosting at for University of Cantabria sample collection and I've found some problems I cannot solve and neither do Arvixe.
I hope my English is good enough for you to understand me.
I've been able to create metadata and use the data conversion tool, then I've load the images on RCDATA01 directory up in my rescarta web server.
Then I have to design a collection using "Collections manager" and I can do it, but when I run the Indexer the problems appear.

Unable to delete \\DavWWWRoot\public_html\rc-web-5.1.1\RCDATA01\index.ir4\index\write.lock.

My rescarta web home page at "", shows this:

The server encountered an error loading data.

no segments* file found in files: [write.lock]

The staff at Arvixe support center ask me to send the error I was facing while deleting write.lock and is this: "java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException" and finally they point me to:

"Everything is correct as far as permissions/ownership/paths are concerned. You will need to review your code to further address this issue.

Please let me know if I could do anything to solve this or may I ask Arvixe what to do to fix it.
Thank you very much
Margarita Franch


  • John Sarnowski

    John Sarnowski - 2015-06-29

    The issue more than likely is with the indexer.

    As I understand you can update data under the RCDATA01 directory and update the Collection Manager metadata.xml file under the RCDATA01 directory. But when you attempt to update the index you encounter errors.

    The indexer can write “Additional” data to the index without stopping the Tomcat service. But you cannot use the “Rebuild Index” checkbox when the service is running. Rebuild Index is used to COMPLETELY replace the existing index and it deletes (or tries to delete) the entire index before rewriting a new index.

    This will give you the error like...
    Unable to delete \\DavWWWRoot\public_html\rc-web-5.1.1\RCDATA01\index.ir4\index\write.lock.

    Here are steps to correct the situation.

    1. Stop your tomcat service (or have Arvixe stop it)

    2. Open the index tool and click ON the “Rebuild index” checkbox.

    3. Press “Begin indexing” button.

    4 When complete, UNCHECK the “Rebuild index” checkbox button and close the indexer

    1. Restart your Tomcat service.

    In the future be certain that you can write to the RCDATA01 directory and UNCHECK the “Rebuild index” checkbox.

    If you would like to call or have tech support call or email to clarify, Please feel free to contact us.

    John Sarnowski
    Director, The ResCarta Foundation

  • John Sarnowski

    John Sarnowski - 2018-11-28
    • status: open --> closed

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