
Sharks Sharks Everywhere! / News: Recent posts

Manta Ray 0.3.1 Released!

Mainly a bugfix release.
Linux support now (re)added.
Updated docs
Other goodies

Posted by Chris Lyon 2001-04-06

Manta Ray 0.3.0 Released!

Yes! The Manta Ray Game Library 0.3.0 has been released. Unfortunately, only Win32 binaries are available, and no Linux/BeOs Makefiles exist... yet.

Check out for more info.

Posted by Chris Lyon 2001-03-23

Sharks Sharks Everywhere! Milestone 1 Released!

That's right! Milestone 1 is finally out the door. Granted it's not much of a game yet, and the graphics suck, but hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. Download and enjoy.

Posted by Chris Lyon 2000-10-23

SSE M1 Code Freeze

Hey Guys,

There is a code freeze for SSE M1 and Manta 0.2.
Funkenstein has set a tag in CVS, so everything checked in from now on won't affect the M1/0.2 release.

Posted by Chris Lyon 2000-10-19

SSE Bitmaps!

Ok, I'm no artist.

We now have bitmaps for:
Submarine: Idle
Shark: Idle
Torpedo: moving, exploding

These are placeholders until we get a real artist. We are inching ever-closer to Milestone 1!!

Posted by Chris Lyon 2000-09-08

Manta Ray 0.1.0

Source code now available for Linux.
Submit your Makefiles for BeOs, or VC Project files, because we're lazy.

Posted by Chris Lyon 2000-08-05


The SSELevelLoader can now be used to populate a LevelStateData struct (formerly called PersistentLevelData).

Just pass SSELevelLoader a filename, call load() and voila! See test/levelloader for an example.

Posted by Ryan Burkett 2000-06-12

Tasks R Us

Hey Guys,

I have begun to assign tasks. Please check your account page. The first person to complete a tast wins. The prize is another task.

There are several unassigned SDL tasks that you should feel free to look at and try out. If you haven't given me an are a of interest, I will start assigning random tasks to you, including sexual favours.

Have fun!

Posted by Chris Lyon 2000-04-25