Activity for Requel

  • Requel Requel released /Requel-1.0.1.jar.filepart

  • Requel Requel released /Requel.xml

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    The ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.annotation.AnnotationReader was caused by a change in the structure of the jaxb source code structure. I added a dependency for jaxb-core and project import worked! I also removed activation as it isn't needed anymore. Thanks to After this fix I was able to import the Requel.xml sample file. All of the original functionality...

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r165]

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    Stack trace for project import: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.annotation.AnnotationReader at ~[na:1.8.0_72] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[na:1.8.0_72] at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass( ~[na:1.8.0_72] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( ~[na:1.8.0_72] at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_72] at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    To get the file upload UI to appear I had to set the X-Frame-Options to samedomain in the Application inner class WebSecurityConfig by adding .and().headers().frameOptions().sameOrigin() to the HttpSecurity passed into configure(). I could then upload an xslt in the document tab. Project import is failing with a NoSuchClassException() I change the xml name space from "" to "" and I fixed the classes to be under com.rreganjr.requel...

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r164]

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r163]

  • Requel Requel released /Requel-1.0.1.jar

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    I removed a lot of old jar resources. I switched the parser to use typedDependenciesEnhancedPlusPlus() for more grammatical relationship info from the parser in the Dependencies output.

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r162]

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    I fixed the integration with Stanford parser and NER, now using version 3.8. I had to rebuild the GrammaticalRelationType enum as Stanford switched to using the Universal Dependencies for grammatical annotation. The code doesn't reference that many so it wasn't that hard to convert. I added a utility class GrammaticalRelationTypeBuilder that generated the enum entries based on the Stanford entries in the class UniversalEnglishGrammaticalRelations. In my StanfordLexicalizedParser...

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r161]

  • R Regan R Regan modified a comment on ticket #16

    I added a file for the file upload page on sourceforge. I added a Dockerfile, I was trying to integrate it with the build in the pom.xml see dockerfile-maven-plugin. The plug-in wasn't able to connect to the boot2docker vm for the build using docker toolbox. I was able to manually build the Docker image and push to the repository see the rreganjr/requel repo

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    I added a file for the file upload page on sourceforge. I added a Dockerfile, I was trying to integrate it with the build in the pom.xml see dockerfile-maven-plugin. The plug-in wasn't able to connect to the docker repo and push. I was able to manually build the Docker image and push to the repository see the rreganjr/requel repo

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r160]

  • R Regan R Regan modified a blog post

    New Executable Jar for Easy Running

  • Requel Requel released /

  • R Regan R Regan modified a blog post

    Running Requel with Docker

  • R Regan R Regan modified a blog post

    New Executable Jar for Easy Running

  • R Regan R Regan created a blog post

    Running Requel with Docker

  • R Regan R Regan created a blog post

    New Executable Jar for Easy Running

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r159]

  • Requel Requel released /Requel-1.0.1.jar

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    Now I can start the app and pass args on the command line for the database: java -jar Requel-1.0.1.jar --spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/requeldb?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true --spring.datasource.username=root --spring.datasource.password=password

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    I had to switch to using local lib Echo2 files I forked I changed the mime type returned by the javascript service to "application/javascript" as spring boot security uses X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff so that returning the javascript files with type "plain/text" causing the error "Refused to execute script from serviceId=Echo.ClientEngine because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled."

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    I deleted a bunch of the files in conf that were part of the ant build configuration. In JpaDictionaryRepository I switched from using URI based resource access to stream/reader based, as the file is now being access from inside the jar vs. on the file system and the URI constructor was throwing an IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical. I @Deprecated DatabaseCreationListener and use createDatabaseIfNotExist=true on the jdbc url. the db properties are no longer in use.

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r158]

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    I had to switch to using Echo2_Extras_WebContainer.jar from the lib folder as there is bug in the maven version. I hit this issue back in 2009 and updated the DND.js file (in src/main/resource/echo). I forked and submitted a pull request with the fix. lets see what happens. In AbstractProjectOrDomainEntity I updated the @JoinColumn(name="projectordomain_id") annotation on getProjectOrDomain() to remove "insertable = false, updatable = false" as I was getting an...

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r157]

  • R Regan R Regan committed [r156]

  • R Regan R Regan posted a comment on ticket #16

    I switched to maven and spring boot with new versions of libraries. There are still some jars that aren't in a maven repo so I added a script that uses mvn install:install-file to install echopm.jar, echopointng-2.2.0rc2.jar, Echo2_FileTransfer_WebContainer.jar, and Echo2_FileTransfer_App.jar from lib/echo folder into local maven repo. I had to modify some classes due to api changes. some tests were changed to compile, but may not run. some things aren't working like Stanford parser...

  • R Regan R Regan created ticket #16

    update to use maven and spring boot

  • Requel Requel released /OldFiles/RequelSetup.pdf