I am trying to reuse and tweak the x_carriage files (3 pieces), to fit a wade extruder on it. Although moving and scaling the published STL files works sort of, I have found that the side of the carriage assembly that has 6 ball bearings seems to be laid out to widely for 6mm rods. 8mm does snuggly fits
Taking up the effort to fix this issue I loaded the x_carriage.scad file into Openscad and hitting the compile button leads to all sorts of errors, pointing to files missing
Parsing design (AST generation)...
WARNING: Can't open input file `settings.scad'.
WARNING: Can't open library file `/usr/share/openscad/libraries/hardware.scad'.
WARNING: Failed to compile library `/usr/share/openscad/libraries/hardware.scad'.
Compiling design (CSG Tree generation)...
Is there an easy way to resolve finding the settings.scad and hardware.scad files?
Found a solution to compile things
1 move up the file up into the parent dir of Original-files
2 in the file replace the include and use by
include <parameters.scad>;
use <library.scad>;
Surprisingly the results for the carriage.scad and x-*.scad files don't produce matching versions of the STL files (x-carriage-lower-left_1off.stl, x-carriage-lower-right_1off.stl and x-carriage-upper_1off.stl).