
what's going on w/ the JavaComm?

  • kevinzwolf

    kevinzwolf - 2006-10-30


    has anyone got an opinion on the current (& future state) of JavaComm on Windows?

    I was working w/ the RepRap software & checked out:

    which brought me here: windows JavaComm offered, so a google produced:

    ..where I finally got JavaComm @: this being passed off as; '...well, Windows is not an open platform..'?

    I run Debian & Windows, am pro-Open Source, but a realist.. a high %-age of Engineers use Windows..

    Is anyone from RepRap using JavaComm on Windows? Playing w/ it?

    If this matter is 'taken care of'? ..if not, I think it merits a closer look,


    • plaasjaapie

      plaasjaapie - 2006-10-30

      ***I run Debian & Windows, am pro-Open Source, but a realist.. a high %-age of Engineers use Windows.. ***

      I expect that you're going to wind up having to keep the sort of nonsense that you've just confronted sorted out for the rest of us.  Except for writing scripts in Java for AoI I've kept strictly away from all that.

      I am SO glad that I decided not to get tangled in the long term animosity between Sun Microsystems and Microsoft that expresses itself in the form of Java from the Sun side and the various ways Microsoft likes to make life exciting for users of Java in Windows.  It's caused me to have to write an operating system for Tommelise in Visual Studio, but from what I see it has been a small price to pay.

    • kevinzwolf

      kevinzwolf - 2006-10-30


      "I expect that you're going to wind up having to keep the sort of nonsense that you've just confronted sorted out for the rest of us."

      I'm not sure how to take that!


      • plaasjaapie

        plaasjaapie - 2006-10-30

        It's pretty simple.  As best as I can remember, Vik uses Java from Linux as does Adrian.  Simon, if I recall, works with both Linux and Windows platforms but does most of his stuff from Linux if memory serves.  Simon may be able to help you.  I expect that Adrian might as well.

        I don't know recall, however, if either have confronted this problem.  I do recall that somebody talked about it some months ago, but I don't remember who that was or know what came of all that.

        I decided pretty early on that I didn't want to get involved with all of the intricacies of doing builds under Linux or coping with subvention systems so I contrived to start work on my own operating system software that was written in Visual Studio so that I wouldn't get caught in the sort of compatability mess that you appear to be confronting.  :-(

        Mind, I'm not at all suggesting that you do what I did.  The route I'm taking has nightmares aplenty implicit in it and the only person I have to fall back on when one of them crops up is me.  :-o

        • lordcat

          lordcat - 2006-10-30

          Personaly, I hate Java, and it doesn't surprise me that I'm able to lockup/crash the Java RepRap ui whenever I'm messing with 'exercising my steppers'...  At some point in the near future (probably once I've got all three axis moving and I'm ready to start some serious procrastination on the extruder...) I hope to delve into your VS code and maybe move to that...

      • Simon McAuliffe

        Simon McAuliffe - 2006-10-30

        Wow, I'm not quite sure how to take that either.  Before you feel too overwhelmed, Javacomm on Windows just involves copying a few files and you're done.  If for some reason the files become hard to find, we'll just post a copy on the web site.

    • Simon McAuliffe

      Simon McAuliffe - 2006-10-30

      Yes, I run javacomm under both Windows and Linux.  It works fine.  In fact it's probably easier to get it working under Windows than under Linux.

      Let me know if you run into any troubles when you get to that point.

    • plaasjaapie

      plaasjaapie - 2006-10-30

      Yeah, I just checked and I can see why he's confused.  Some character at Sun seems to have taken the windows version reference off of the download page.

      They talk about a "generic" version, which is a tiny little file compared to the others.

      I got inside the registration page and it's the same story there, too.

      That's creepy, but hey, what would Sun be if not a little creepy.  :-)


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