
Tree [6ce0e2] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 notes 2006-10-26 adamb06 adamb06 [44b866] resurrected from version 5
 src 2010-07-14 cboyke cboyke [6ce0e2]
 LICENSE.txt 2006-10-26 adamb06 adamb06 [34e0ac] updated pom mailing lists and made artifactId l...
 README 2006-10-27 adamb06 adamb06 [fffe1b] Updated getting started in README
 pom.xml 2009-11-24 adamb06 adamb06 [774cb6] updated to dust 1.1.

Read Me

  Repository Beans  API v 0.01
Repository Beans is a toolkit for abstracting ATG Repositories into POJOs.
By using Repository Beans a developer may develop against ATG Repositories,
but retain the benefits of coding against POJOs.

This README assumes that you have some familiarity developing ATG applications.

Getting Started

Download repository beans:
( If you are reading this you have probably already done this step! )

Extract the archive.

1. Update your module to include repository beans. 
   TODO (Ship repository beans as an ATG module for simplified installation)

Include repositorybeans-X.X.jar in the classpath of your ATG Module.

For example, include this entry in your modules META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

ATG-Class-Path: lib/repositorybeans-0.1.jar

Include repositorybeans-config-X.X.jar in the configpath of your ATG Module.

ATG-Config-Path: config/repositorybeans-config-0.1.jar

Define an ATG repository. Let's use the default ATG ProfileAdapterRepository for this example.

2. Define a POJO through which your application will communicate with the repository.
   This POJO may be a class or an interface. POJO generation from a repository definition
   is not yet implemented but it should be soon!
    * Interface for getting at the firstname and lastname
    * properties of a "profile" repository item.
    * Setter and Getter method names should match
    * repository item property names.
   public interface Person {
    public String setFirstname(String pName);
    public String getFirstname();
    public String setLastname(String pName);
    public String getLastname();    
3. Register your POJO for the given repository item

   RepositoryBeans rbeans = (RepositoryBeans)Nucleus.getGlobalNucleus().resolveName("/atg/repository/beans/RepositoryBeans");
   rbeans.register("/atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository", "profile", Person.class);
4. Get an instance of your POJO
   Person person = (Person) rbeans.newInstance("/atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository", "profile");
   // BTW person can be cast to atg.repository.beans.RepositoryBean or atg.repository.RepositoryItem

5. Update the first name property
   RepositoryBean bean = (atg.repository.beans.RepositoryBean) person;
   // include transaction handling
   try {
   person.setFirstname("New First Name");
   } finally {
 6. Query for a Person by last name. Note query string is RQL (Repository Query Language).
    String [] args = {"Jones"};
    Collection c = rbeans.find("lastName = ?0", args, Person.class);
    Iterator iter = c.iterator();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Person person = (Person);
        System.out.println("Found person by last name" + person.getLastname() 
          + "," 
          + person.getFirstname();


Take a look at unit test code for example usage.
In particular 


Should work with ATG versions 5.X and higher.


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