

logs (1)

Logs of ReportMusi Project


About this repository

This project was set up almost the same time when I came to Japan and registered in University of Tsukuba, and entered NERV Team of IPLAB under the teaching of Prof. Jiro Tanaka.

This Git repository on SourceForge started on Heisei 25th, Nov 18th, when my PC in lab changed and reset.

About this project

This project is about to colloect information with Musi and make books with the results.

Coding work is named I.S. (on Index of Sinri).

History of I.S.


RMLaura Beta Version Released - Index Maker
RMCharlotte Alpha Version Released - Book Maker


Up to today, the project,RM, i.e. Report Musi, practices have been increased to 4 subprojects.
RMIchika: The final project to handle all the functions. Now frozen. Organized by Musi,Thinker,Storage, and BookMaker in Design.
RMLaura: Hold the lucene functional codes. Main part is "thinker", which would be the part as thinker in RMIchika. Now packaged as an independent jar file, and used by RMHouki and RMCecilia. The package "thinker" holds subpackage "thinker.Dedicatus545" for I/O work and "thinker.brain" for keyword-cutting work.
RMHouki: Work as Musi and Storage Manager with a designed workflow by LineSet and Line.
RMCecilia: Work as IndexResearcher. Now only starting for simple work, and rely on RMLaura.


This day, the basic work about XML-based Dictionary Word Cutting is basically over. Then, subproject CODE ICHIKA paused.
Another way with Lucene 4.6.0 is about to be practised. Subproject CODE LAURA started.
You have found that, the CODEs are names of the animation I.S. which is played in Japan.


Kuroudo started.
There has to be a data management. So that Kuroudo part was come up with.
But more details need to be added, so not codes but words.


Actually in the early morning on 20131121.
I tried the XML-based File Storage on Musi, and NichMusi was the first musi to work on the storage.
Word-Divider used in the past trail was reused in Thinker part.
Btw, in Kimagure project, XMLWorkshop, which is a support project for query XPath on XML files, released Asa Version.


Built up the AbstractMusi and Created the NichMusi for RSS.
Trying to build a data set method.


Set up repository.
Build the main branch Ichika with sample code.