


Before you begin

At the moment this tool is designed for exchange OWA.
But in general there are a few things you can do with the INBOX configuration.
Setting rules on auto reply and out of office.
Also in the script you can set that only emails from one domain are accepted.
Remember that only INBOX mail are read, no other (sub)folders.

First steps

Once you got all the [Requirements] you start installing.

First install Davmail, I only included the RPM, but form source was too.
On the website are full instructions and other install options.
See here for a [example config file].

Next we install GetMail, just unpack and run:
sudo python install
See here for a [example config file].
Setup directories

You can unpack the repbix.tar from Files page, in a directory called Mail (as example).
Run getmail -nd to receive emails and delete from inbox!
Do getmail -n to only get new emails.
Getmail will give error if directories are missing, all very solid error reporting.

You can start davmail to see if all services start fine.
From this point you can run getmail already to see if it pulls any email.

If all received fine, you can run the script:


This will read the mails, and set the acknowledgments with the message from the user.

Final steps

Once you know the system works, you have a cronjob run a script that reports errors, receives the email and set acknowledgments.
Every 5 minutes.


Wiki: Home
Wiki: Requirements
Wiki: example config file