
Count Me In...

D Hines
  • D Hines

    D Hines - 2003-03-26 help write code.  I've got several years' experience writing Java/J2EE code, and this project is more than a little interesting.

    I'm also on the board of one of the few remaining free-net's, and we could definitely use this.

    Feel free to drop me a line.

    • Aaron Jon Singline

      Me too...  Although I don't know how much help I will be other than to do bug testing etc.

    • Sloan Seaman

      Sloan Seaman - 2003-04-30

      I'll offer a little time.

      I've got a few open source projects already taking most of my time but if you need help here and there, I'll offer it.

      I used to run Renegade back in the day (even wrote some games for it)... 

    • jasonhud

      jasonhud - 2003-07-09

      what games did you 'write for renegade'?

      there were no renegade specific doorgames.

      i'll bugtest RG, is there even a working version of
      this javacrap version?

    • ExodusRG

      ExodusRG - 2005-01-31

      Forget this crap.  Come to the real website.



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