Remote file manager
A client for the remote use of VirtualBox on a server
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It would be good to have remote file manager. E.g. in order to delete somehow corrupted VM's which cannot be used anymore. But also for any other purpose, e.g. modifying .vbox (or any other) file manually if needed.
Also file transfer between client and server would be expected feature, because there is only remotely possible to import e.g. virtual appliances or VM's added. If I e.g. prepare VM locally and would like then upload to server then it would be appreciated.
There is a problem when trying to import from same .ova file the new one. As old VM with same folde name exist then import does not work and Remotebox will freeze (cannot click or open anything). Then after long time awaiting suddenly there will be error message:
If there could be a file manager then I could remotely remove old one and import new one.
Last edit: Edmund Laugasson 2016-01-03
Unfortunately, last time I checked the VirtualBox API did not support transferring files directly to or from the server which is unfortunate. So transferring files must be done by some other means (eg ftp, scp, nfs, cifs, etc)
I'll investigate the issue of importing appliances with duplicate names as well as providing a file manager with some additional features
Been on hold for 8 years. Marking as won't fix.