
Remote Anywhere / News: Recent posts

Project Update

The installation information and operation manual PDF file has been updated with more detailed information and better instructions on how to properly install the software on a Pocket PC, a desktop machine and the Remote machine.
Use these instructions as a guide and discard any previous directions.Pro

Posted by Christophoros Papachristoforou 2007-08-07

IMPORTANT NOTE to all users

Registration is vital for the operation of the software. Registering also enables users to set the general credentials for the system as well as been used as a discovery service around the world.
So in order for the software to operate in the proper way, registering with the service at: is vital, takes less than a minute, is absolutely free and anyone can easily be removed without any consequences.

Posted by Christophoros Papachristoforou 2007-08-03

Installation - Operation Guide added

A more detailed installation and operation manual has been added for easy deployment and usage

Posted by Christophoros Papachristoforou 2007-07-31