
Relastra - 3D Action / RPG / News: Recent posts

Revived Development

This project has been picked up again. After a time with nothing happening there is actually some news to be had.

First: We have switched from libSpider to OGRE. LibSpider just was not at a mature enough state to be successfully used.

Second: All of the scripting in the game is going to be done in Lua.

Third: There is a private wiki set up for select people to do content for the game. I do not wish for this wiki to become public for a few reasons but if you wish to contribute then please contact me and I will get you all set up. ... read more

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2006-05-01


Just would like to inform everyone that coding on the game has begun. The idea of the game has altered slightly since the outset, but the basics are still there.

I will post more information as it comes up.

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2004-02-06

Documentation Updates

The documentation is almost done. Almost everything has been figured out on the dry erase board. The only things left are the AI (to be determined later) and things like sound and networking. But the last 2 are not going to be done 'in house' they will probably be done with other free packages.

So stay tuned for uploads of documentation on the site and possibly SF.


Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-09-11

Website updates

Hey everyone,

I added the website to the CVS repository; I like to have a central location that has the current website stored.

As far as documentation, I shall resume work on the documentation now that the updates to the libspider site are finished for now. I bought a dry erase board to help keep track of stuff and most of it will be used for the relastra project.

Well that's it for now, other then I noticed that we have an active percentile for once :) .

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-08-28

Work Website

Alrighty here's what I got done over the past few days. I started out with a design for the website and when through and put it all up.... but then I didn't like it. So I started all over again with a new design and I think I actually like it this time. I still have to tweak it a bit and it definitely needs a title image but it's a start.

So now I have to go over to the libSpider site and work on that for a bit so expect more website updates but not today.... read more

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-08-22

Working on the Engine....

Ok so here's the deal; I'm spending some time to clean up the engine (LibSpider) so I definitely won't start posting stuff for this project until I get back to college.

Please keep in mind that I am still working on the documentation for the game and progress is underway to convert that documentation to a computer form. I wrote it all down on paper for some aweful reason but I guess it gives me more time to make sure it's complete and not full of errors.... read more

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-08-14

No News is good News

Well I guess that is not really true. I havn't done much work on the project since the last posting. When I get back to college then things should get rolling again.

I have decided that I want the website to be a little bit better then what it is now. So I will spend some time on that this weekend. I figure it should have some content to it instead of just a link and a message about it being under construction. ... read more

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-07-30



I have decided to delay most work on this project until I get back to school. I will still work in my spare time on the website to get something up and running in a relatively short period of time.

The documentation will still be improved upon, but the actual sourceforge project will not be touched.

On a side note: I am still actively looking for people to help develop this game. Most coding will not be started for a while but I still require concept art, designers, and good idea makers. If you are interested then email me.... read more

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-07-18

Project Website


Well the website is up for now. It really doesn't have much but at least it's something. I plan on doing work on the site this weekend to at least get something better up. I have someone helping me on the design side to get it looking good. So come back later for more updates.


Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-07-10

Looking for Help


I'm looking for people to help me out with this project. I need graphics designers, 3d modelers, concept art, and programmers. I also need help with scripts. Some of those are far but anyone willing to help would be great.


Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-07-07

First News

Well hello everyone.

This project has been underway for a long time now. The documentation is almost halfway finished with work done on the interface designs and concepts.

I have dreams of setting up the website sometime this week (we will have to see how far that goes).

Check back later for updates and email me if you want to help out.

Posted by Matthew Tidd 2003-07-07