
RegWizard / News: Recent posts

Beta Release

We have come to a stage in our development where our product is ready for beta use. Full of intellisense, verbalization, library, and expression analyzers. We have paid careful attention to some UI upgrades and hope you enjoy the use of our current release of our product.

Feel free to submit any comments, bug issues... etc in the appropriate forum here on Sourceforge.

Posted by nyxtom 2007-03-15

RegWizard Features

In our alpha stage (almost beta release). We have accomplished a lot with RegWizard. We have intellisense support, verbalization of regular expressions, and live match highlighting. We're working on supporting full code-generation and example generation. Check out this and more in our requirements document release.

Posted by nyxtom 2007-03-12

Project Development Begun

The project is finally being written. The planning phase is over, and the code base is starting to fill up. For those interested in viewing the current status, feel free to browse the subversion repository located on SourceForge. We hope to have some sort of alpha release in the near future.

Posted by Matthew Kruskamp 2007-02-19