
copy snapshot (2>1 etc)

  • Mr Jonny Hotchkiss

    Hi just an idea as I'm constantly making a tweak (and capturing that change), and then (often) going from that new state to another (or original, for hypothesis-verification...)

    Is there any way ('plan' : ) to have a 'Copy Snapshot' option?

    I know this can be done with saves and clears and loads, but that requires foresight and I can imagine it being doing programmatically, and therefore much quicker, and it COULD be a popular user feature (that's not for me to say).

    Thanks (and a belated multitudes of praise for your FINE work. use this thing every other day :)

  • Oliver Freeman

    Oliver Freeman - 2015-05-07

    maybe the Scripting Framework Packager is an alternative. You need PowerShell 3.0 to run the tool. But you can also record files...

  • M. Buecher

    M. Buecher - 2015-05-07

    It is already present as "Swap" in the latest beta.



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