
#3 Different starting situation on windows-linux

Model (1)

When subRegionMode is on, the initial situation is different: on Linux there isn't any farm with 95 hectars, while there is one in Windows.

A mould farm with 95 hectars exist, and could be that is not selected in Linux for a different way of approximate the sample for making the subRegion.

While not necessary a bug, this issue should be investigated.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    The problem seems to be somewhere in the GUI.
    I "reduced" the GUI to a minimum bare, but still having this issue. The problem is that for some strange behaves the seed of random numbers seems to change, affecting the (many) rand() calls within the model.
    This leads to slightly different outcomes from the same input, but it is visible only in the "subRegionMode" as the "wholeRegion" mode is large enought to be robust to this random changes.

    A command-line version of RegMAS has been developed (just call it as: regmas + master_input_file.xml) that does not have this issue.

  • Antonello Lobianco

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    The problem seems to be somewhere in the GUI.
    I "reduced" the GUI to a minimum bare, but still having this issue. The problem is that for some strange behaves the seed of random numbers seems to change, affecting the (many) rand() calls within the model.
    This leads to slightly different outcomes from the same input, but it is visible only in the "subRegionMode" as the "wholeRegion" mode is large enought to be robust to this random changes.

    A command-line version of RegMAS has been developed (just call it as: regmas + master_input_file.xml) that does not have this issue.


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