
Regina REXX 3.1 released

Version 3.1 of the Regina REXX Interpreter has been released. This release makes Regina 100% compliant with the 1996 ANSI Standard for Rexx. The documentation has also been updated and is now available online in HTML and PDF, and dowloadable in HTML, PDF and OpenOffice Writer formats.

Major functional enhancements include:
- ANSI "ADDRESS WITH" now fully functional and consistent on all platforms
- ANSI LOSTDIGITS condition implemented
- thread-safe version built by default on platforms that support threads (simplifies support for Apache mod_rexx module)
- all AREXX builtin functions added
- new supported platforms; Mac OSX, AROS

Source and pre-built binaries for many platforms are available from Regina's SourceForge ftp site:

Posted by Mark Hessling 2003-04-07

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