
#2 Replace bug

Vista (1)
Jordi March

Replace do nothing. It appears a message that the string is replaced, and finally it says the number of replacement made. But no replacement has been made. I use Windows 7.


  • Alexander Melkov

    This is probably due to new access checks introduced in windows vista/7.

    Try creating shortcut on your desktop to regedt33 then right-click it and choose "Run as administrator" option there.

    Please write here if it helps, then I'll address this issue in a new release.

  • Alexander Melkov

    • labels: --> Vista
    • assigned_to: nobody --> melkov
  • Kyle McKnight

    Kyle McKnight - 2014-07-25

    It appears that any key with the name (Default) isn't replaced. THey aren't even seen in the application at all. When I navigate to any key like that I can't even see it.

  • Kyle McKnight

    Kyle McKnight - 2014-07-25

    Actually there seem to be a LOT of stuff it doesn't pick up and see

  • Alexander Melkov

    Well, these '(Default)' values do not exist in registry, it is only that Windows Regedit shows them for some strange reason.
    When you assign something to '(Default)' you'll see an empty-named value in regedt33, which is what actually stored in registry.

  • Martin D Katz, Ph.D.

    Exactly. (Default) is the empty string (""). In Windows Vista or later, when a key is created, the corresponding value list has no values.

    For user convenience, regedit displays a "(Default)" value, even if there is no value entry for it in the key. The data string is shown as (value not set) when there is no "" value entry. If a value is set, (Default) always has a zero-terminated Unicode string value (REG_SZ).


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