
#90 Cannot remove rEFIt - All Attempts Fail


I cannot remove rEFIt v0.12 from my 2006 Macbook Pro 17" system.

I was initially trying to install Ubuntu on a USB hard drive and installed rEFIt to see if that would help boot to the USB drive. Now I want to remove it due to complications but I can't.

I've followed the only two solutions I have found:

---begin quote---
"Removal when using rEFItBlesser:

If you installed through the installer package, these instructions are for you.

While booted into Mac OS X, rename or remove the “efi” folder. For a 100% clean de-installation, also remove the folder “rEFItBlesser” inside “Library/StartupItems”.

Removal for manual installs:

First, open the “Startup Disk” preference pane and select “Mac OS X” as the operating system to boot. This will re-bless your Mac OS X volume and instruct the firmware to boot from it. After this, rename or remove the “efi” folder."
---end quote---

I've done both and neither work. I installed using the installer so I did that procedure for removal of both directories but it still boots via rEFIt. How???

I tried to change my "Startup Disk" via the system preferences but I don't have any option other than "Network Boot". However, everything boots just fine but via rEFIt which I don't want anymore.

Side note: I was able to successfully TRIPLE boot Leopard 10.5 (Internal HD, Partition 1), Windows XP (Internal HD Partition 2), and Ubunto (USB HD Drive). Not an easy feat but it works!!!!

HELP me UnInstall rEFIt!?!?!


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