
#64 Triple Boot problem / EFI shell problem

EFI Tools (14)

I just set up a perfectly new Mac OS X 10.5.2 on a MacBook (Core2Duo 2.4 GHz) and was rather eager to set it up for triple booting after reading a handful of online how-to's. so i read about rEFIt and all and really liked the idea of it.. anyway, i have 2 major problems.

1. starting the book with refit and choosing the EFI shell i'm not able to do anything. the machine get's totally stuck. WHY?

2. trying to use "diskutil resizeVolume" i always get the same output trying to create a linux partition:

"Linux does not appear to be a valid file system format
Valid filesystems: "Journaled HFS+" "HFS+" "Case-sensitive HFS+" "Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+" "HFS" "MS-DOS FAT16" "MS-DOS FAT32" "MS-DOS FAT12" "MS-DOS" "UDF" "UFS" "ZFS" "

oh, yes, i did install rEFIt with the linux EFI drivers.

what am i doing wrong here? help would be much appreciated. thanks ahead, uni


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    This is not a bug, mate.

    Though I, also, am having trouble triple-booting on my Macbook. I'm using Backtrack 3, Windows, Leopard. I can't get Refit to recognize my Linux, comes up as legacy OS. Didn't have this problem with 0.9.0

  • Christoph Pfisterer

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The shell not working may be a bug that affects machines with 64-bit firmware. I may look into it, but it's a low priority and I'm not sure if I'll be able to fix it, because strictly speaking Apple's 64-bit firmware isn't standard-compliant.

    The "diskutil" tool runs inside Mac OS X. The drivers installed in the rEFIt package have nothing to do with this, they are for the pre-boot EFI environment only and not for Mac OS X. I'm afraid I can only point you at the various "how to set up triple boot" guides floating around the net.

  • Christoph Pfisterer

    • labels: --> EFI Tools
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • assigned_to: nobody --> chrisp
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    "Linux does not appear to be a valid file system format
    Valid filesystems: "

    Well that's simply because Linux is not a valid format for a hard drive. Here's what I did: I formatted the linux partition as fat32, then, in linux, I reformatted it as ext3. Apple won't recognize any other formats besides the ones that were listed in your 'bug.'

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Here's a log of how I got a refit triple boot mac up and running. It shows what went wrong and what eventually worked. Hope it helps:



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