
#6 Duplicate Linux icons...


After installing Linux (Ubuntu Dapper) on /dev/sda3
there are two duplicate (or almost duplicate) Linux
icons in the rEFIt menu -- one listed as "Linux from
HD" and the other as "Linux from partition #3". Both
boot Linux OK.

My setup: I first made a "Windows" partition in Boot
Camp, then started the Ubuntu installer, deleted the
Windows partition and replaced it with a Linux
partition (/dev/sda3) taking up all unallocated space.
There is no separate swap partition, I'm using a swap
file in /dev/sda3 instead. I installed LILO to
/dev/sda, not /dev/sda3 -- so I'm at a loss as to why
the rEFIt icons
show both as separate boot options.

Is it possible to delete one of these?


  • Christoph Pfisterer

    Logged In: YES

    It seems you have Linux boot code both in the MBR and on the partition's boot
    sector. If you're sure the LILO in the MBR is working, you can wipe the partition's
    boot sector clean with the following command (from within Linux): "dd if=/dev/
    zero of=/dev/sda3 bs=512 count=1". Note that this is safe for ext2/ext3/
    ReiserFS partitions but _not_ for FAT/NTFS/HFS+ partitions.

  • Andrew Roth

    Andrew Roth - 2008-06-18

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have this but with "Linux from EFI" and "Linux from sda3". Linux from sda3 works, Linux from EFI boot windows (and there's already a windows icon). How can I get rid of the Linux from EFI? What device is that?

  • Christoph Pfisterer

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    That's probably the EFI System partition, /dev/sda1.

    Could you please run the "Partition Inspector" tool, and paste the report it generates into this tracker item? You can find the tool in the rEFIt disk image, and it should be installed in /Applications/Utilities as well if you used the package to install rEFIt.

  • sipina

    sipina - 2008-06-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have a similar problem. I installed Ubuntu 8 (and then uninstalled) on a Mac Pro 1 and on an internal disk other than that where OS X lives. My problem was that I allowed to write the grub loader on hd0 (so MBR) and have a pinguin icon which corresponds to nothing on the refit menu so I'd like to remove it. Anyway I should say that my Mac OS works fine. Here is the log of partition inspaector,

    *** Report for internal hard disk ***

    Current GPT partition table:
    # Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 40 409639 EFI System (FAT)
    2 409640 487872839 Mac OS X HFS+

    Current MBR partition table:
    # A Start LBA End LBA Type
    1 1 488397160 ee EFI Protective

    MBR contents:
    Boot Code: GRUB

    Partition at LBA 40:
    Boot Code: None (Non-system disk message)
    File System: FAT32
    Listed in GPT as partition 1, type EFI System (FAT)

    Partition at LBA 409640:
    Boot Code: None
    File System: HFS Extended (HFS+)
    Listed in GPT as partition 2, type Mac OS X HFS+

    May I have any suggestion as to removing (from Mac OS X) the pinguin icon? Thanks

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I actually got this fixed by using dd to copy /dev/zero over. I used 446 bytes insead of 512 to keep the file system table working. I erased the /dev/sda hd with 512 zeros, and it gave me an unhappy mac booting up (a little scary), good thing I backed up the MBR first. I then did the zeros thing on the other drives one by one to get rid of things (and made lots of backups of the MBR on each partition first)


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