
#50 rEFIt crash/unfunctional on low resolution


It happened that I needed to lower my 17" iMac's resolution down to 800x600 (extended) for pedagogical needs, and turned off my computer in this state.

At the next boot, I could see my personal refit banner in the top of the screen and nothing under, no way to boot.

I tried booting with 'alt' key depressed, and the usual firmware menu showed up letting me rEFIt and Windows as choices naturally, but still presented in low resolution, but usable.

I then used an install disk, choosed my startup disk again, rebooted directly in os X, and then ran again to get rEFIt back.

So my opinion on this is that rEFIt is messed up by this low resolution, certainly mapping its icons too low to appear on the screen, becoming ineffective (I tried the keyboard blindly with no success, neither did waiting the 30s for the autoboot). What could be tried is to put rEFIt in text mode only and see if it's also affected by the bug. Sorry, I have no time to do it at the moment, and post an edit if ever I manage to do it.

Anyway : a great thank for this marvellous piece of GPL software :-))



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