
#34 can't boot windows and linux on seperate hds


I had to uninstall refit unfortunately as I could not boot both windows and linux. Here is the setup:

Mac Pro with four HDs.

Disc 1, Macintosh HD, Suse Linux, Swap
Disc 2, Windows XP (this shows up as disc 3 in Linux)
Disc 3, FAT 32 file sharing (shows up as 2 in Linux)
Disc 4, FAT 32 file sharing

In refit, the icons show up for Mac, Linux, Windows, but the two latter both boot Windows unless I take out the Windows drive, then they both boot Linux.

Secondly with a Windows formatted iPod (for use on both Windows and Mac - which can't be done with a Mac formatted iPod), the refit menu shows two extra icons for the iPod, one legacy OS and one Windows, which obviously don't do anything.

Booting with the Option key held down at startup instead of using refit gives me three choices; Macintosh HD, "Windows" (Linux) and "Windows" (Vista), all of which work correctly.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have been reading every forum post I can find on multi-booting Macs, and I have discovered that most of us don't know what we're doing (myself included). But that's how we learn.

    I have a 4-core Mac Pro and want to boot Leopard, Linux (Ubuntu) and Winders. I thought I could avoid all the problems by working with two internal drives.

    The Scheme:

    Drive 1:
    1. EFI
    2. Mac OS X (HFS+)
    3. Mac User_Files (HFS+)
    4. Linux (etc3)
    5. Linux swap

    Drive 2:
    1. EFI
    2. Mac OS X (HFS+)
    3. Winders XP Pro SP1 (NTFS)

    Drive 1 was formated with diskutil and partitions 3 & 4 were reformatted during install. Grub is installed on partition 4.
    Drive 2 was formatted with Boot Camp and reformatted during install.
    Winders was installed first, then Ubuntu
    rEFIt is installed on both drives. (Originally, rEFIt was only installed on the first drive.)

    Several observations:
    1. Ubuntu install didn't like 2 (EFI) partitions with the same mount point. (Linux was installed with the second drive removed from the machine)
    2. rEFIt dosen't understand 2 drives in a Mac Pro (yet).
    3. There is far more to this that I don't understand.

    The current situation:
    1. I can boot into OS X from either drive using rEFIt.
    2. I can boot into Winders from rEFIt
    3. When I select the Tux icon, I boot into Winders. I can only boot into Linux when I remove the second drive.
    4. The disk identification of the first drive (as reported in Disk Utility) changes (from disk0 to disk1) after I boot from the second drive. Something wants the boot drive to be disk0. This ain't right.

    When I use rEFIt's utility it tells me that my partition tables (on both drives - this is why I needed to install rEFIt on the second drive) are in sync and that no changes are needed.

    I am about to use FIXMBR on the Winders partition, but I am waiting for a new external drive so that I can use Winclone to create a backup.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have been reading every forum post I can find on multi-booting Macs, and I have discovered that most of us don't know what we're doing (myself included). But that's how we learn.

    I have a 4-core Mac Pro and want to boot Leopard, Linux (Ubuntu) and Winders. I thought I could avoid all the problems by working with two internal drives.

    The Scheme:

    Drive 1:
    1. EFI
    2. Mac OS X (HFS+)
    3. Mac User_Files (HFS+)
    4. Linux (etc3)
    5. Linux swap

    Drive 2:
    1. EFI
    2. Mac OS X (HFS+)
    3. Winders XP Pro SP1 (NTFS)

    Drive 1 was formated with diskutil and partitions 3 & 4 were reformatted during install. Grub is installed on partition 4.
    Drive 2 was formatted with Boot Camp and reformatted during install.
    Winders was installed first, then Ubuntu
    rEFIt is installed on both drives. (Originally, rEFIt was only installed on the first drive.)

    Several observations:
    1. Ubuntu install didn't like 2 (EFI) partitions with the same mount point. (Linux was installed with the second drive removed from the machine)
    2. rEFIt dosen't understand 2 drives in a Mac Pro (yet).
    3. There is far more to this that I don't understand.

    The current situation:
    1. I can boot into OS X from either drive using rEFIt.
    2. I can boot into Winders from rEFIt
    3. When I select the Tux icon, I boot into Winders. I can only boot into Linux when I remove the second drive.
    4. The disk identification of the first drive (as reported in Disk Utility) changes (from disk0 to disk1) after I boot from the second drive. Something wants the boot drive to be disk0. This ain't right.

    When I use rEFIt's utility it tells me that my partition tables (on both drives - this is why I needed to install rEFIt on the second drive) are in sync and that no changes are needed.

    I am about to use FIXMBR on the Winders partition, but I am waiting for a new external drive so that I can use Winclone to create a backup.



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