
rEFInd erratically shows Windows entry in Arch dual boot system

  • komandona

    komandona - 2024-06-14

    I'm dual booting Arch linux and Windows 11 on 2 separate drives in a UEFI system with rEFInd installed on the Arch side. The issue is rEFInd does not always detect Windows 11. Specifically, it never detects it, unless I go into the UEFI interface first and then reboot into rEFInd, and then it detects it. However, any subsequent reboot, it will not detect Windows.

    I've tried pretty much anything I can think of, including repairing the EFI partition in Windows. For now, I'm getting around the issue by creating a manual Windows boot stanza using the "firmware_bootnum" argument. The issue is that this will completely reboot the system before booting into Windows, which adds to load times.

    Interestingly, doing the above will also cause rEFInd to autodetect Windows on the next reboot, but only on the next reboot. Any subsequent reboots (without booting Windows with either of the aforementioned methods), rEFInd will not autodetect Windows.

    I've also tried creating a boot stanza to directly load the Windows bootmgfw.efi to avoid completely rebooting the system everytime I want to boot Windows, but for the life of me I cannot figure out why it's not working. It always returns a bootmgfw.efi not found error. I've read all the documentation and I'm pretty sure I'm using the correct PARTUUID, but alas.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • komandona

    komandona - 2024-06-14

    Nevermind, I think I figured it out. In case anyone comes to this thread from a google search, I had to disable fastboot and now the Windows entry reliably shows.


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