
rEFInd load VHD

  • Frits Pruymboom

    Frits Pruymboom - 2015-03-14

    Does anyone know if it is possible to load VHD's ?
    I tried google and the documentation but i can't seem to find any info.


  • Roderick W. Smith

    Not currently, at least AFAIK. It would be possible if a loopback driver existed to make files look like disk devices, but AFAIK no such driver exists. I've considered creating such a driver myself but I've not yet gotten around to writing it.

  • limbo

    limbo - 2018-05-15

    have you get some time to develope loopback and so vhd loader, it is very useful for us, as there's no opensource solution at this time.

  • Rod Dines

    Rod Dines - 2019-02-03

    I have managed to do this using the vboot2 grub loader (opensource but not maintained) and a rather complicated process to load Ubuntu 16.04LTS using ntfs-3g and vbox fuse vhd drivers from a VHD on Windows 10 OS install. If your interested let me know what your up to and I may be able to guide you. It is far from easy though!


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