
#86 "pickref -r" causes premature end of transmission

refdbd (55)

When sending "pickref -r -l listname" to the server, the server ends the communication immediately after the transmission of the IDs.

Despite that, the item is removed from the list. You can see this problem even in refdbc:

refdbc: dumpref -d biblio -b wichtig 1


  • Markus Hoenicka

    Markus Hoenicka - 2009-02-22
    • status: open --> open-works-for-me
  • Markus Hoenicka

    Markus Hoenicka - 2009-02-22

    I cannot reproduce this problem here using refdbc. If you run into this problem consistently, it may have been fixed unintentionally as there are no hints to such a problem in the cvs logs of refdbdref.c. Which version of RefDB are you using?

    Sending "pickref -r -l listname" to the server is likely to cause problems because "-l" is not a valid option. Use "-b" instead to pass the list name. If you found "-l" somewhere in the docs, it's a bug and I'd like to fix it.

  • Torsten Bronger

    Torsten Bronger - 2009-02-22

    Yes, sorry, I used -b instead of -l. I run

    refdbc 0.9.9-1 built from svn revision 531
    refdbd 0.9.9-1 built from svn revision 531

    I have not the time to investigate this further at the moment. Maybe in a couple of weeks. A quick look at the diffs revealed nothing spectacular. However, I don't speak C very well.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I installed now the SVN version but I still get

    refdbc: pickref -b wichtig 1
    421:'chantal-wichtig' -> REFERENCE:Bld2006
    999:1 picked:0 skipped:0 failed
    refdbc: dumpref -b wichtig 1

  • Markus Hoenicka

    Markus Hoenicka - 2009-02-27

    Could you please send a test kit to me, or attach it to this bug report? Please start with a fresh RefDB database, add the minimum number of datasets required to reproduce the bug, and keep a refdbd log with log level set to 7. Also, please check your MySQL or PostgreSQL logs for anything interesting. Please zip or tar all relevant files/snippets for review.


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