



redird is a small-footprint HTTP daemon responding to client requests with configured redirects. It has no dependencies and has been written with some basic precautions in mind. The use case, for which the daemon has been written, consists of various intranet applications scattered around the network on different servers having user-unfriendly URLs due to miscellaneous reasons (context URLs on J2EE and .NET servers, mainly). In such scenario, redird is running on a single low-profile Linux host, whose IP address is mapped to user-friendly names of the applications. When clients use any of the mapped names from their browsers to access the application, the request arrives to redird. Upon receipt redird checks its simple location table and redirects the client to the appropriate URL.
The redird daemon can be used to redirect clients having stale locations in their caches or histories to new sites without the necessity to leave the real HTTP server running at the original host.


Its usage is very simple and can be learnt from the help message that the program prints when started with the -h option. There is also a complete man page (man redird(8)).
In the simplest case redird can be instructed to redirect any request to a certain URL, which is as simple as:

redird -s


Download the source zip archive, unzip it somewhere and change directory to the newly created one. You should find an INSTALL file there that details the steps needed to build the project. The software has been built and tested only on 64-bit Fedora, some effort has been made to make it portable to 32-bit Linux systems, but this was not tested. Anyway, the build is straightforward:

sudo make install

Once the installation passes, you should be able to find a file named /usr/local/sbin/redird on your system and the help should be available by typing
man redird


[Command Line Options]
[Location Table]