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This wiki contains Redfish® related articles.

  • [Managing-iLO-Sessions-With-Redfish]
    HPE Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) accepts a limited number of HTTP sessions. Reaching the maximum number of sessions can lead to embarrassing situations where server management operations are impossible until active connections are automatically disconnected after the pre-defined timeout or a manual / physical iLO reset is performed.
    This article explains the typical contexts generating this problem as well as best practices to prevent it using the Redfish® RESTful API.
  • [Master-the-Redfish-Server-States]
    Server management and monitoring often require the knowledge of the state of the managed servers (On, Off....). The Redfish® standard defines the PowerState property with 0 (Off) and 1 (On) as possible values. However, when the system is in the On state, we'd like to know in which sub-state the server is: Pre-OS Tasks (POST), UEFI, OS...
    This blog presents the PostState property available in an Oem.Hpe Redfish sub-tree of HPE servers (Gen9 and Gen10) and providing a fine grained server state.

  • [Setting-Bios-and-StorageControllerProperties-with-Redfish]
    Modifications of Bios and Storage Controoler Properties require a system reset. This article explains in details this process when using the Redfish RESTful API on HPE ProLiant servers and Synergy compute modules.

  • [Storage-Management-with-Redfish]
    In this article we start by learning how to cleanup and prepare a Smart Storage Controller for receiving a configuration with one or more logical drives. Then on this fresh environment we will create a simple RAID array configuration prior to more complex ones to complement the API reference documentation.
  • [Getting-started-with-the-Redfish-API-Part2]
    This post is the logical continuation of the the Getting Started with the iLO 4 Redfish API. It discusses best practices to implement since the launch of iLO 5 present in HPE ProLiant Gen10 servers.
  • [Getting-started-with-iLO-Redfish-API--API-Conformance]
    If you are looking at leveraging the Redfish® API, you should make sure your client code is interacting with iLO using Redfish standards. This article explains those standards and why you should use them.
  • [utilizing-the-data-model-reference-guide-for-ilo]
    “How do I get the value of this iLO parameter using Redfish?” or “How to set this BIOS parameter using Redfish”? Or “How do I configure this subsystem using Redfish”?
    This article proposes a practical methodology to answer these questions and much more...
  • [EventSubscription]
    In addition to standardizing CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations on infrastructure objects, the Redfish specification proposes an event subscription service implemented on HPE Gen9 iLO 4. This service can be seen as a modern alternative to SNMP.
    This article explains how an application like a management console subscribes to selected unsolicited events coming from Redfish compliant nodes. It provides a detailed end-to-end example complementing the iLO REST API documentation
  • [parallel-mgmt-with-ilorest]
    This article explains how to manage many servers in parallel using bash scripts without the need of implementing schema crawlers and thus allowing a long term stability to the scripts.
  • [in-band-management-with-ilorest-and-a-livecd]
    In a previous blog, I explained how the RESTful interface tool (iLOREST) (former hprest) is able to communicate securely with the underlying iLO and perform in band management of the lower layers of the server. This blog provides a method to create a custom bootable LiveCD that embeds the ilorest utility and potentially other management tools.
  • [automated-ilo-management-with-ansible]
    The HPE Python library for iLO RESTful API provides numerous examples for managing low level server layers like BIOS and iLO parameters of HPE ProLiant servers. Moreover, they implement best practices for traversing the Resource Model leading to a durable code validity. This tutorial explains how to leverage those well written examples to produce efficient Ansible modules.
  • [how-to-change-the-factory-ilo-password]
    This blog proposes a simple, quick and modern method to modify the factory randomly generated Administrator iLO password without knowing it.
  • [FirmwareUpdates-Part3-TheRedfishUpdateService]
    This article describes the standard Redfish update service, including the simple update and the HPE OEM extensions actions.
    The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Members:


Wiki: EventSubscription
Wiki: Getting-started-with-iLO-Redfish-API--API-Conformance
Wiki: Getting-started-with-the-Redfish-API-Part2
Wiki: Managing-iLO-Sessions-With-Redfish
Wiki: Master-the-Redfish-Server-States
Wiki: Setting-Bios-and-StorageControllerProperties-with-Redfish
Wiki: Storage-Management-with-Redfish
Wiki: automated-ilo-management-with-ansible
Wiki: how-to-change-the-factory-ilo-password
Wiki: in-band-management-with-ilorest-and-a-livecd
Wiki: parallel-mgmt-with-ilorest
Wiki: utilizing-the-data-model-reference-guide-for-ilo