
#52 SBM image format

SMS (1)
SD Snatcher

SBM is a simple format to distribute Sega Master System, GG and TMS9918 (SG-1000, TI-99A, ColecoVision, MSX1) images.

This is its structure:

Header (6 bytes signature):
1.1) Signature
"MSBMP" string for the SMS
"GGBMP" string for the GG
* "TMBMP" string for the TMS9918 (SG-1000, ColecoVision, MSX1, TI-99A, etc)
1.2) Version (1 byte): 0 = v1.0
1.3) File offset to the metatada area (1 byte): 9
1.4) File offset to the data area (16bit, little endian)

Metadata area (if no metadata is present, must contain only the end marker)
2.1) Author name: ASCII text, ends with 0Dh,0Ah
2.2) Title: ASCII text, ends with 0Dh,0Ah
2.3) Notes: ASCII text (might be empty)
2.4) End of the metadata marker: 1Ah (mandatory)

Data area
3.1) VDP registers dump: 16 bytes (SG-1000 uses only the first 7. Fill the unused bytes with zeroes)
3.2) CRAM dump: 64 bytes (SMS uses only the first 32, SG-1000 uses none. Fill the unused bytes with zeroes)
3.3) VRAM dump: 16384 bytes with a raw VRAM dump

I attached some samples in this ticket.

1 Attachments


  • Dwayne Robinson

    Dwayne Robinson - 2021-11-03

    @sd-snatcher: Do you have any more info on this ".sbm" format, linking to more documentation or a program name that reads/writes them? I managed to display a few of your sample files with a separate tool I wrote a while back, given your file format description above plus external documents about the SMS/GG VRAM tile format and tilemap elements, but it would be helpful to include what the images are supposed to look like too (e.g. reference .png's). I attached my Golden Axe picture output. TY.

    For the {Golden Axe, Aladdin, Rampage} files, I used:
    1. @0x385A uint16le levelData[32][32];
    2. @0x005A uint8 vram[14336]; // 8x8 tiles, 4bpp, row-interleaved bitplanes
    3. @0x001A r2g2b2x2 palette[64]; // lowest 2 bits = red, then green, then blue, and last the highest 2 bits are unused

    The only reference I could find was this format proposal here, but not utilities that could export them:


    Last edit: Dwayne Robinson 2021-11-04
    • SD Snatcher

      SD Snatcher - 2023-01-15

      Sorry for the awfully late reply. I only noticed your reply now.

      To generate the SBM files, I use a bash script I wrote myself. It extracts a SBM image from a savestate of the Meka emulator. I attached it here, in case you're interested.

      I also attached here:

      1) Fixed versions of some SBM files I noticed that had spurious sprites
      2) Reference renderings of the SBM images as you asked, so you can know how they were supposed to look


      Last edit: SD Snatcher 2023-01-18
      • Dwayne Robinson

        Dwayne Robinson - 2023-01-18

        Yo Snatcher, thanks for the data files. A month later, I figured out the format and rendered the scenes for {Aladdin, Fray, Golden Axe, Gulkave, YS1} to add {Sega Master System, Game Gear, TMS9918 SG-1000/MSX1} support for a hobby project to display tilemaps. I just downloaded your additional data and screenshots, and I'll try more of them when I return to that project.


        Last edit: Dwayne Robinson 2023-01-18
        • SD Snatcher

          SD Snatcher - 2023-01-18

          Nice! I also noticed that two other SBM images had some minor issues with the VRAM data. Please redownload the

          Their reference png renderings in the other zip were correct though.


          Last edit: SD Snatcher 2023-01-18

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