
RECODER / News: Recent posts

Recoder 0.93 released

Recoder 0.93 has been released! It comes with a number of bugfixes, as well as new features and improvements. Please confer for more information.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2009-08-07

Recoder 0.90 release

Recoder 0.90 has been released! It contains many bugfixes as well as API changes. For information on it, please check out our new website as !

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2008-09-10

Recoder 0.86 release

Recoder 0.86 contains a number of bugfixes, as well as a small change in the API. Please see the changelog for further information.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2008-06-23

Recoder 0.85 released

Recoder 0.85 has been released. It contains a number of bugfixes - an update is highly recommended.
Please see the changelog for further details.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2008-04-09

Recoder 0.83 built with Java 5 compliance

I have just updated the Recoder 0.83 release with a build that was compiled using Java 5 compliance. This has no functional impact except that those not using a Java 6 installation can now use the release ;-) The new files should spread through the mirrors soon.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2008-01-24

Recoder 0.83 has been released

This release contains important bugfixes. An update is highly recommended. As of this release, the source code is included in the distribution again.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2007-11-02

Recoder API-Doc updated

The API-Doc 0.82 was unfortunately broken (obviously an incomplete upload). The broken archive has been replaced with a working one.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2007-10-11

Subversion repository created

Recoder has moved to Subversion! Work on CVS will be discontinued. The current project can be checked out from the "trunk"-folder in the repository.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2007-10-09

Recoder 0.82 released!

This is a maintenance release. An update is recommended.
As of with this release, developer files are available via public CVS only.

Posted by Tobias Gutzmann 2007-09-27

RECODER-0.81 released

This version fixes a lot of bugs from 0.8beta and provides complete transformation functionality for the Java 5 constructs.

Posted by Mircea Trifu 2006-05-08

RECODER 0.8beta released

This is a beta version which includes support for Java 5 language constructs

Posted by Mircea Trifu 2006-02-02

RECODER 0.75 released

This is the last minor release before the next major release scheduled towards the end of 2005. This release includes bugfixes as well as minor changes to make RECODER compatible with JDK 1.4.

Posted by Mircea Trifu 2005-04-28

RECODER 0.73 released

The bug fixes provided by friendly helpers have been performed.
Major improvements are still pending, unfortunately.

Posted by Dirk Heuzeroth 2004-05-10

RECODER 0.72 released

More bugs have been killed.

Some user interaction improvements have been added:
- source element end coordinate assignment now works sufficiently well,
- progress listeners can be added to selected services and transformations.

The SOURCERER demo toolkit begins to look beautiful and begins to be useful.

Posted by Andreas Ludwig 2002-03-19

RECODER 0.71 Released

A lot of new features have been added and a lot of bugs have been fixed.
The most prominent changes are:

  • resume abbility added to analyze incomplete or template code,
  • compile-time control flow analysis,
  • a new Swing-based demo application,
  • added a property to activate/deactivate assert statement handling,
  • bug fixes for some printing, parsing and transformation issues.
Posted by Andreas Ludwig 2001-07-26

RECODER moved in

The current version 0.70 of the Java source code metaprogramming framework RECODER is now available at

New features include
- a regression test suite in the developers package
- support for the assert statement from Java 1.4
- documentation and examples have been polished
- several bug fixes

Posted by Andreas Ludwig 2001-06-07