Tom Wilkason - 2013-11-13

Recent Document Tracker Implements a similar function to Windows 7 Jumplists by tracking recent documents and folders, then by using document type icons in the taskbar tray you can pop-up a menu of recent documents sorted by last access time (like Jumplists). Selecting a menu choice will launch the appropriate program on the file.

Windows Vista and before had a Recent Documents feature, however I never found it that useful as is. RDT monitors the shortcuts created by the Recent Document feature in all of the windows versions and puts it to better use.

You may also launch a searchable filter box to find all documents in the history by right mouse button clicking on an RDT tray icon. Enter text into the search box to quickly filter the files displayed (wildcards are allowable). Clicking on a file will launch it with its default program, and with the search results the right mouse button over a file to 1) exclude it from showing again, 2) pin/unpin it to the menu, 3) launch the folder it is contained in.

You can also add folders to monitor in real time for changes, for example monitor cloud storage folders to sync file changes between computers.

If you are someone who likes to clear their recent documents regularly, then this app is probably not for you. However if you are someone that works with dozens of different office files daily and has a hard time remembering where they are and what you worked on last week then this app is perfect.

Currently extensions are setup with MS Word, Excel, Project, Powerpoint, Access, Publisher, Adobe Acrobat and general folders. You can define new icons and associated sets of file extensions using RDT. To use RDT just run the program and icons for the above applications will appear in the system tray. Left mouse button will pop-up a history of each type separated by those in the last day, week and month. Selecting one will launch the document/folder. Right mouse button to adjust options such as hiding certain types (must restart), resetting database, setting limits to how many are shown and removing dead shortcuts when document no longer exists.

There are number of settings to control behavior and you can customize what icons are shown in the tray and the file types associated with them via the Manage Tray Icons gui. You can now have the same file extension shown for multiple icons (such as one for MS Word and one for MS Office)

Options to background trim the database either by stale entries or the age of the entries is included.

Both installable and portable version of the file are included in the downloads section (along with the source code). If you option to permanently remove RDT then also remove the .rdt folder within your windows user folder. The .rdt folder contains the personalized settings.

There is a full distribution also available to allow you to make changes on your own and optionally build an executable file (using starkit). See the Buildrdt.bat batch file in the output subfolder in the distribution. Just make your changes and launch it to rewrap everything together.

RDT Takes advantage of threading and some features in Tcl/TK 8.6 so those are the minimum requirements for the Tcl/Tk engine.

The RDT Tool wouldn't be possible without the following tools and the many generous open source contributors:

Tclkit + Metakit Engine - &
twapi Tcl library - Ashok P. Nadkarni
Shellicon extension - - Mark Janssen


Last edit: Tom Wilkason 2017-06-09