
Tree [09c038] master v1.2.9 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .github 2023-03-01 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [1c355a] first release
 .vscode 2023-03-01 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [1c355a] first release
 assets 2023-04-10 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [d7d9a2] update icon colors
 src 2023-11-06 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [f915d6] fix popup not show full width
 tests 2023-04-19 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [c3a213] show error message for multi-articles page
 .gitignore 2023-03-01 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [1c355a] first release
 .prettierrc.cjs 2023-05-19 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [d6cbe7] remove prose-xl 2023-11-06 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [09c038] bump version to v1.2.9
 LICENSE 2023-03-01 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [1c355a] first release 2023-06-17 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [1941a9] bump version to v1.2.7
 package.json 2023-11-06 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [09c038] bump version to v1.2.9
 pnpm-lock.yaml 2023-11-06 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [f915d6] fix popup not show full width
 postcss.config.js 2023-05-18 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [841820] add prompt help
 tailwind.config.js 2023-05-19 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [90fd2b] fix markdown style
 tsconfig.json 2023-04-12 Yaozhi Wang Yaozhi Wang [9ef856] move to src directory

Read Me

# Recap Summarize the text you are interested in. [![license][license-image]][license-url] [![release][release-image]][release-url] ### Install [![chrome][chrome-image]][chrome-url] [![manual][manual-image]][manual-url] [license-image]: [license-url]: [release-image]: [release-url]: [chrome-image]: [chrome-url]: [manual-image]: [manual-url]: #manual-installation ### Screenshots [![promo][promo-image]][promo-url] [promo-image]: [promo-url]:

Reacp is a browser extension to summarize text on webpage with ChatGPT. It splits the article into passages, so that you can easily summarize any part of the article.


  • Auto split article into passages
  • Summarize entire page
  • Summarize text in a passage
  • Recap previous content before a passage
  • Summarize user selected text
  • Support ChatGPT, with custom model
  • Support official OpenAI API, with custom API host and API model
  • Custom prompt
  • Toggle enable/disable for individual domain or page
  • Support user configuration for different sites
  • Dark mode
  • Support keyboard shortcuts

Manual Installation

  • Download from Releases
  • Unzip the file
  • In Chrome go to the extensions page (chrome://extensions)
  • Enable Developer Mode
  • Drag the unzipped folder anywhere on the page to import it (do not delete the folder afterward)

Build from source

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies with pnpm
  3. pnpm run build
  4. Load build/chrome-mv3-prod directory to your browser


Please feel free to submit any feature requests or suggestions by opening an issue.

Major Milestones - [ ] Site adapter - [ ] Stackoverflow - [ ] Github - [ ] Reddit - [ ] Quora - [ ] Youtube - [ ] Link preview - [ ] Twitter - [ ] Google - [ ] Hacker News
Incremental Improvements - [x] Add prompt help in settings [v1.2.4] - [x] Add Changelog - [ ] Long text summarization - [ ] Performance optimization - [ ] Remove Plasmo CSUI (it causes certain websites to freeze) - [ ] Remove React - [ ] Support more browsers - [ ] Encourage users to leave a review on the web store. - [ ] Support more AI models - [ ] Github actions for releasing - [ ] UI improvements - [ ] i18n - [ ] Handle root font size - [ ] AUTO theme detect - [ ] Copy-to-clipboard button in panel headers - [ ] Stop generating button - [ ] Toast in panel - [ ] Summarize page button for page title instead of passage button - [ ] Add blinking ... at tail of text while generating
Experimental Feature - [ ] Give Me the Answer (directly show the most relevant answer on stackoverflow)