
Alanthia Mud / News: Recent posts

new classes / class system

classes are based on some combination of the classic 4 archetypes: warrior, thief, mage, and cleric. classes no longer affect anything other than skill learning abilities. every skill has a 'prime' class. any other class uses the skill at a penalty. the penalty can be alleviated by using a class that contians multiple archetypes, but those cost more experience.

here is the proposed class list:

Archetype Class exp/lvl... read more

Posted by Blue Lang 2003-01-19

other various changes

changes to the experience system:

races and classes each now cost a certain amount of exp, which cannot be
less than 500. the costs are added, and them sum is the char's exp/level.

changes to characters:

mobs and players now have both move and fatigue. move is now short-term
energy.. like bursty energy. fatigue is just that: how tired, overall, you
are. mv is mostly for combat. when you run out of mv, you have to regen it,
period, before you can do anything else. you're just plain out of breath.
fatigue is a little more subtle. it affects the rate at which you regen hp,
mana, and mv, and things like hunger, etc. fatigue is alleviated by sleep,
and sleep alone. we should probably not allow spells the eliminate fatigue,
but should allow mv regens that increase fatigue. (at least, that seems to
be the classic FRPG model)... read more

Posted by Blue Lang 2003-01-12

changes to skill system

you can no longer add new skills at gen-time. removing it allows me to
greatly simplify the experience system.

you can attempt to do anything, even if you don't know the skill. you're
assumed to have all skills at a 1% base success level. this should be
modified by stats (int, wis) and attrs (perception)

skills increase with use - any skill. skills will increase more quickly
if you are 'taught' by someone who has been properly trained in both
the skill and in teaching. (someone who has also been 'taught' both the
relevant skill and the 'teaching' skill)... read more

Posted by Blue Lang 2003-01-12

Port to Cygwin Complete

Ported Alanthia to CYGWIN today. Current CVS doesn't compile, but if it did, it'd work under cyg. :D

Posted by Blue Lang 2002-12-27