
Problem loading new variant

  • Alastair Tomlinson

    I designed a new variant following the advice in the Realpolitik documentation. I produced the maps, relevnt text files etc and ran it through the Region Tool successfully to create the .rgn file.

    However when I try to test the variant by loading it up into Realpolitik I get an error. The variant name appears in the Variant list, so as far as I'm aware there's no problems with the files themselves. The error I get is:

    No error: : can't find file D:\Realpolitik\Variant Files\Standard\StandardBW.bmp

    If I create a StandardBW.bmp file in the appropriate place, I simply get the following message:

    No error :

    and the map defaults back to the Standard map at Spring 1901.

    This also happens when I copy one of the existing variants to a new folder, changing the .var file details appropriately.

    Hope someone can help point me in the right direction - I'm hoping to use Realpolitik to test my variant before I release it to the unsuspecting world.

    Alastair Tomlinson

    • simon haines

      simon haines - 2002-10-09


      In this case, Realpolitik is having problems interpreting the bitmap file containing the image of the map for your variant.  What happens is that Realpolitik tries to load your map file, but cannot interpret it (more on that in a bit), so then it tries to locate a 'black and white' map (hence the 'BW' appended to the file name) which you've obviously not produced, and errors out on that.

      One possible scenario is that there is nothing wrong with your bitmap, but Realpolitik is VERY particular about the format of maps.  I can't remember the specifics, but I think they must be 16 colours, uncompressed, and possibly have restrictions on the number of bit planes.  However, if you've loaded it with the Region Tool, this might not be the problem.

      Why not send me the files for your variant and I'll try and figure out what the problem is by having a look at what the code is trying to do, and hopefully produce a patch in the process if there is an issue that needs fixing.

      Oh, and by the way, if you're keen on your variant, you can now customise it with a different ruleset than the 'standard' rules... Check out the Realpolitik SDK patch (#620563).

      Simon Haines

      • Cristian B.

        Cristian B. - 2002-12-19

        Saving the BMP in 256 colours (16 bit) bitmap and copying those bitmaps (i mean including the Standard.bmp) to BW clones should solve the problem, i think. At least i hope it solves yours! :)

        I encountered the exact same thing today - but i can't remember what way i corrected it... :(

    • Stephen King

      Stephen King - 2003-02-18

      I don't know whether this is a similar problem or not. I also don't know whether I'm being blind.

      I too have created files for a variant (World3) and loaded the game data using the Region tool which worked fine. The map bitmap is in 256-color.

      When I try and load the map I get the error message

      Bad game data: Invalid variant name

      Intuitively I assumed that I have put the wrong name in one of the files but I really, really can't spot it.

      Is this the only possible reason or could there be another explanation - I noticed that there were two error-triggers in the code for the same error mesage (in game.cpp) but my programming skills aren't up to going any further.

      Any ideas, anyone?

    • Stephen King

      Stephen King - 2003-02-18

      I don't know whether this is a similar problem or not. I also don't know whether I'm being blind.

      I too have created files for a variant (World3) and loaded the game data using the Region tool which worked fine. The map bitmap is in 256-color.

      When I try and load the map I get the error message

      Bad game data: Invalid variant name

      Intuitively I assumed that I have put the wrong name in one of the files but I really, really can't spot it.

      Is this the only possible reason or could there be another explanation - I noticed that there were two error-triggers in the code for the same error mesage (in game.cpp) but my programming skills aren't up to going any further.

      Any ideas, anyone?

    • Jim Van Verth

      Jim Van Verth - 2003-02-22

      Answer to original question: this is not a bitmap problem.  There was a bug in the error reporting.  What's really happening is that you're missing your info file.  Create a "Variant".txt file for now and the problem will magically go away...

    • Alastair Tomlinson

      Really should check back to this forum more frequently. I'd actually forgotten I'd posted this message here as well as on the mailing lists.

      Thanks for all the tips people have offered. I was hopeful that the tip offered by Jim combined with the new release would solve the problem, which it did. Unfortunately it throws up a different error now!

      Bad game data: Invalid variant name

      I've checked through all the files and all the names are the same (in case, spelling etc). I've tried using a shorter one-word name, but with no success.

      (As a side issue, following the error, when the game reverts back to the Standard map, when I then try to close Realpolitik it crashes, throwing an IPF in Realpolitik.exe. This doesn't bother me, but it might bother you purist developer types!)

      I've uploaded a zip file with the relevant variant files and folder at

      Hope this is enough for someone to point me in the right direction - just ask if there is further info you require. I'm running Win98, Realpolitik version I'll also try to check back to the forum more often than once or twice a year!

      Thanks in advance

    • Jim Van Verth

      Jim Van Verth - 2003-03-19

      The standard .gam file had the window title and variant name reversed from what it should be.  Try swapping those two lines.

    • Alastair Tomlinson

      Just a quick note to confirm that this resolved the problem. After some playtesting and minor modifications I'll release my variant on the unsuspecting world!

      Many thanks to all who offered advice.


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