
REAL / News: Recent posts

Prototype release

As promised I've just release a small protoype of a level editor. I am currently working on a proper object orientated architecture and design which will require some more time. Therefore, I quickly hacked this little app, so I can start playing with it and documenting all the shortcomings. I need ot get your requests and comments so I can add it in the design of the fina thing.

Posted by Marcin Mueller 2001-08-11

New Goal

After analysing the complete stoppage of work on this project it has been decided to rethink our objective. The new goal is to create a simple 3D alien shooter and the tools needed. This should be a small enough project that can be actually tackled and finished. During this project we will develop the necessary tools like a level editor and 3D engine and gain necessary experience that can be used as a new starting point to achieve the original goal of the project.

Posted by Marcin Mueller 2001-08-08

Let's go!

This project just began but we ( 4 of us) are very excited to start this open source development of REAL.

We soon be posting information and the plan of development work so that everybody can see where we are going. We'll also post any new ideas we have of what should be part of the game.

The more ideas the better.
So Join us and lets have some fun.

Posted by Marcin Mueller 2000-10-31


Although we just started to on this project we would love people to join us and help us with things. We'll post a list of skills we are looking for and what we already have very soon.

Posted by Ramdan Korkelia 2000-10-30