
Reading multiple sentences does not work?

  • Eses

    Eses - 2014-09-04

    Hi there.

    I've been looking for replacement TTS software and Read4me looks promising.

    So far I've used TTS software for "reading" text from webpages, notepad++ and such. I paint the text area and press the icon in tray. I liked ezTextReader. It was very simple, but it didn't have keyboard shortcut option, it became outdated.

    Read4Me looks very promising, no shareware like stuff and UI has no BS chrome and speech quality is good.

    However, I can't make it read more than one sentence?

    What I did:
    1. In Window Behaviour I set "Read selected text (vs. Clipboard)"
    2. In settings\Read clipboard hotkeys I set Ctrl+r and speaker type, rate and volume.
    3. I also had to set Compatibility otherwise I couldn't make Read4me speak.
    4. Press Apply

    1. Select text
    2. Press shortcut key CTRL+r in this case

    First time, Read4me reads all the text. Multiple sentences.

    Second time it read only first sentence?

    So, seems like after opening Read4me it reads the whole selection, then it reads one sentence and stops at "." character?

    I tried: Firefox, Chrome, Notepad++, Sublime Text 3, Open Office 4.3.

    System: Win 8.1 Pro 64-bit, 32GB


    Last edit: Eses 2014-09-04
  • Yassen Dobrev

    Yassen Dobrev - 2014-09-05


    Thanks a lot for reporting this bug! It was fixed in version 0.6.1 which is now available for download.

  • Eses

    Eses - 2014-09-05

    Thank you for quick reply and fix!

    Now speak works for multiple sentences fine when I press hotkey combination.


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