
Feature Request: Pause in speech on new line

  • Elizeon

    Elizeon - 2020-10-24


    I have used this software for several years. I use this software to read lecture slides when studying so I can take in the info easier.

    Often in lecture slides there are series of dot points and in Read4Me these are read without pauses at the end which can be confusing.

    Here's an example (this is kind of messed up formatting but it must be what Read4Me sees in its clipboard, its directly copied and pasted from a pptx in office online, where it actually appears as a sentence and then 4 short dot points below):

    In BI systems, decisions tend to be longer-term in their focus

    Capacity planning

    Product development

    Outlet locations

    Product promotions

    I was wondering if you could please consider adding an option to allow newline be read with a pause as though there is a full stop, so that examples such as the above could be read coherently.

    Thank you,

    EDIT: I can see that you've replied to other posts saying you're no longer actively developing this software. If you won't develop this feature, I would be willing to contribute to this project to make this change if possible.


    Last edit: Elizeon 2020-10-24
  • Yassen Dobrev

    Yassen Dobrev - 2020-11-01

    Hi, I'm very happy that someone is still using this app. I'm not actively developing it anymore, but it's open-source so any contributions are welcome!

  • Elizeon

    Elizeon - 2021-04-17

    Hi Yassen,
    I checked out the repo and added a setting that allows pause on newline, mainly for my personal use.
    Would you like me to contribute this change to the project? If so, could you please add me as a contributor so I can create a pull request?
    (I assume that's how that works, I haven't contributed to an open source project before)

  • Yassen Dobrev

    Yassen Dobrev - 2021-04-18

    Thank you so much Elizeon! Your PR is merged.


    Last edit: Yassen Dobrev 2021-04-18

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