
reacTIVision on Raspberry Pi 3

  • Andrew Overholt

    Andrew Overholt - 2016-07-19

    Hey guys,

    So I have built a table using a Pi3 as my brain. The issue I am having currently is that no window is showing up when I run the reacTIVision software. The software runs fine, even churning out fiducial locations, etc. The real issue is that I cannot calibrate without the window to guide the process. I cannot seem to get it to work in full screen either, however when it is in fullscreen mode it freezes the screen. Any thoughts on what could be causing this issue? Has anyone else experienced these troubles? Thanks for any and all help.


  • Andrew Overholt

    Andrew Overholt - 2016-07-19

    When accessing my Pi from another computer, I can get an Xming window to pop up, but its simply gray (alternating pixels of black and white). It still acts as if it is correctly accessing the camera.

  • Martin Kaltenbrunner

    reacTIVision relies on a correctly installed and configured SDL2 library (either using OpenGL or GLES) for display. Due to the lack of hardware acceleration in the default distros you may first want to try compiling reacTIVision from source (in case you used the ARMv7 DEB package) and eventually also compile SDL2 from source using the appropriate native configuration flags for the Raspberry.


    Last edit: Martin Kaltenbrunner 2016-07-22
  • Christoph Prantl

    Good morning,
    compiling from source was my initial approach when I tried it yesterday but there is one big problem. the libjpegturbo stuff does not install correctly, which is a requirement for reactivison
    fabrizio posted a how to in another thread but the repo with the binaries he used in there is not there any more and compiling jpegturbo myself leads to a turbojpeg.h not found although it is there.
    is there anyone with the same issue and hopefully a solution?

  • Joseph R Mango

    Joseph R Mango - 2017-03-21

    Has anyone figuered out the jpegturbo libary issue. I have been at it for a while. It seems that the linking has been deleated/depricated and it seems to need to link to it.

    Any other ways around?
    Please please
    A "this is not going to work on the pi" answer would also suffice so I can stop beating my head against my keyboard would be good as will.


  • Martin Kaltenbrunner

    reacTIVision should compile without problems on the Raspberry Pi,
    just make sure you have the according jpegturbo dev package installed.

  • Joseph R Mango

    Joseph R Mango - 2017-03-22

    Could you point me to the correct ones because I do belive that I have installed the correct packages.

  • Martin Kaltenbrunner

    Assuming you are using Raspian Jessie on your Raspberry Pi, you'll need the following packages:


  • Prenic

    Prenic - 2017-10-11

    Hello Martin,

    I am writing here because I am performing some tests on a RPi 3 + Raspian Jessie and I am experiencing the same video problem described by Andrew in the first post (frozen camera window).

    I have compiled SDL2-2.0.6 following the instruction found here and here (I've tried both but they are quite similar.. the second one looks more complete to me). I could not find libturbojpeg1 and libturbojpeg1-dev but I've installed libturbojpeg0 and libturbojpeg0-dev in place of them. I have compiled SDL2 with and without X11 to see if it could make a difference but the behavior is similar (the main difference is that without X11 reacTIVision will go full screen and then freeze everything, with X11 I am able to kill the window).

    I have been able to compile reacTIVision 1.6 and to run it using either an ELP USB camera (nice on a desktop pc but quite slow on RPi) or a pi camera (much better in terms of fps). In both cases the cameras are detected and running fine, but I've been forced to run the program using ./reacTIVision -n to remove the video.

    In this way everything runs fine, fiducials are detected and I am able to send OSC messages to a Processing windows running on a desktop PC; using the pi camera I was able to run with a resolution of 800x600@~45fps, that looks quite good to me. After testing the setup for some time, I will be more than happy to describe the whole setup+configuration procedure in a separate post.

    Anyway, I would like to solve the visualization problem to be able to perform a calibration of the camera: using the ELP camera I could plug it to my desktop pc, saving the calibration file and export it to RPi (I guess.. :D) but using the pi Camera I must run the calibration directly on the RPi.

    Reading your posts my feeling is that the problem should be related to SDL2.. any ideas from your side?

    I am at your disposal for any test (e.g. particular lib versions to combine, particular distro, etc.).

    Thank you in advance,

  • Bálint Zsiga

    Bálint Zsiga - 2018-06-27

    Hi Prenic,

    You may have fixed the issue since then, but I succeded to build reacTIVision 1.6 with working camera window (with ELP USB camera) on RPi3 + Raspbian Stretch by installing the following packages form apt-get: libsdl2-dev, libdc1394-22-dev, libjpeg8-dev, libturbojpeg0-dev.

    The only issue I'm facing is that it doesn't recognise my pi camera. Did you have to do any extra to make that work?



    Last edit: Bálint Zsiga 2018-06-27
  • Bálint Zsiga

    Bálint Zsiga - 2018-06-28

    If anyone else is struggling to make the RPi camera work with reacTIVision 1.6, this solved my issue.


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