Neil Gray - 2009-05-08

I have downloaded drivers and all appears well when using hitechnic scanning program ie compass and IR seeker are found and identified.

For our NXT (Year 10 Engineering Studies class) Robocup Junior Soccer robots (fitted with IRseeker, HT compass, Lego ultrasonic and Lego Light sensor) we need the following ....

IR seeker in DC mode
value for direction
(may also use individual sensor readings at later stage but not critical)

While experienced with RCX, NXT, VEX and PICaxe robots I am a newbie to manipulating I2C and have been unable to get Xanders sample programs (HTDIR-test1) to run properly. Downloads OK but program holds waiting for enter input.

I have no way of testing AC modulated detection.

Sensors work (as well as can be expected) in NXT-G but program really sucks (using Mindstorms 2.0)

Any simple sample programs to help me get started would be greatfully accepted.
