
Research Description Language (RDL) / News: Recent posts

New website layout

The RDL website now uses the Purple Haze page layout.

Posted by Remon Sinnema 2004-10-02

REd released

This release of the Research Editor adds support for the special RDL elements "experiment", "include", and "refer".

With the experiment element comes the basic mechanism for including data from Experiment Description Language (EDL) documents. One non-functional example is included: edl2rdl-figure. Release 0.8 will fully implement tools like these.

The "experiment" element builds on the "include" element, that includes the contents of another RDL document.... read more

Posted by Remon Sinnema 2004-09-14

Version 0.3 Released

This release adds support for LaTeX and other publishing formats.

Posted by Remon Sinnema 2004-04-13

Version 0.2 Released

This release adds styles to the text shown, so that an RDL document looks somewhat visually appealing. The styles are specified using CSS. See the document titled "CSS Implementation" for details about the subset of CSS2 that is currently implemented.

Posted by Remon Sinnema 2004-03-03

CSS implementation document uploaded

A new document that describes REd's CSS2 implementation has been uploaded to the Docs section.

Posted by Remon Sinnema 2004-02-15

Version 0.1 Released

REd is now able to load an RDL document and show it in somewhat legible form in the "editor". This is not an editor in the real sense of the word, since it does not yet allow any editing at all. There is no support yet for special RDL tags, like refer, or experiment, nor for SVG or MathML. This release is tested on Windows only.

Posted by Remon Sinnema 2004-02-04