
rdb2oo php-pgsql 0.1.0 released

rdb2oo provides tools to create sourcecode of classes in object-oriented programming-languages to map tables in relational databases.
This is the initial release for the PHP-PostgreSQL implementation.
It provides a frontend with the option to select/deselect tables from the given database and to create the source-code for the classes mapping to the selected tables.
It is also possible to view the fields including constraints, the defined indexes and the foreignkeys of a selected table.
You can even browse the content of a selected table.
The display of the created source can be turned turned on with or without syntax-highlighting or completely off.
The created sources can also be saved in a compressed (gz) tarball and then are offered for download.
Since the foreignkeys are honored, deselected tables which are connected to one or more selected tables via foreignkey-definitions will automatically be reselected.

Posted by Michael H.E. Roth 2003-04-16

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