
Really Coding Traffic Statistics / News: Recent posts

Really Coding Traffic Statistics 1.2.2 released!

We are proud to release Really Coding Traffic Statistecs 1.2.2. This release, called "The release with the same name" is to day's after the 1.2.1 release, and contains most bugfixes. For some developers, this release is known as "Things we forgot" Smile.

1. Fixed bug with displaying a < at the stats page (Only if logged in
2. Changed a small thing at writing to config.php
3. Changed text color at config tabs
4. Deleted send() function at version class, is using now the browser class
5. Browser class can now used for POST and GET
6. Added reset to browser class
7. Added version checker for plugins. (Plugin developers, please update your plugins!)
8. Changed way of handling IF TPL blocks at template parser. You can now use END IF or ENF IFTPL
9. Added new config tab: Version, used for version checker
10. added some missing lang vars.
11. Changed way of parsing url at browser class
12. Added cache for version checker files
13. Used $cache class at version checker
14. Added phpdoc to some files
15. Small bugfix for plugins
16. /staticdata/ must now not be writeable
17. Added RSS link to <head>
18. Some spelling mistakes fixed
19. Removed robots.txt, isn't used more
20. Fixed problem with mod_rewrite and unique graphes
21. Moved writing for an empty config at install
22. Sorting unique at date
23. Correct messages at installing a plugin
24. Update write config to includes dir.... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2006-03-22

Really Coding Traffic Statistics 1.2.1 released!

We are proud, after almost 2 months, to release Really Coding Traffic Statisics 1.2.1.
With this bugfix release, there are and number of bugfix, and one new thing. With this release, is is possible to create your own layout.

Complete changelog:

1. Wrong tpl used for wizz
2. Css give problems with standaard, if rcts is used as style
3. Fixed render bug with IE
4. Added unique visitors
5. Some query's cached.
6. Bugfix: Total added when not today
7. Bugfix: Graphs with uppercase names(Problem at unix/linux)
8. Fixed a memory overflow in some cases with calander.
9. Changed error handling at db error
10. Some fixes for installer
11. Fixed urldecode_array(), don't work correctly
12. Truncate cache table at update
13. Added check for GD and MYSQL add installer and on every pageload
14. New layout mode. You can make your own layout!
15. Fixed some bugs with timestamps
16. mimimum requirments are now php 4.3.0!!
17. Added some nice icons to every page
18. Added autologin for config page
19. Added an nice easter egg, who find him as first? Razz
20. Deleted standaard style, will (maybe!) come back later.
21. Fixed some bugs from our bugtracker
22. Added at some files nices comments
23. Fixed a problem with get_var... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2006-03-20

Really Coding Traffic Statistics 1.2.0 released!

We are proud to release the first stable version of RCTS called "The top of the RCTS mountain". With this final release, we have 3.5 month of developing after us.
We hope you will use RCTS always, and if you find any bug, please submit it to our temp bug tracker:

Thank you :)

Offcource I am not the only person. I want to say thanks to all developers, and tester the lasts months.... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2006-01-27

RCTS Release Candidate 3

We are proud to release the latest release candidate of Really Coding Traffic Statistics 1.2.0. This version, called "Iam the latest release candidate!", has some bugfixes. For the 1.2.0 release we are busy with the new style, and the new site!

Changelog RC2 to RC3:
- [FIX]Double data at calender.
- [FIX]No space at calender
- [NEW]Added next and previous to calender
- [NEW]Added current month to calender
- [FIX]Weekday's fixed
- [FIX]One hour cache at mysql plugin
- [FIX]Follow works now with new calendar
- [NEW]Install tracker. Every install got a unique GUID, that match with a DW error trigger.
- [FIX]Phpbb plugin fixed(Thanks to XP-Rene).
- [FIX]fixed the installer for the problem with follow at RC2.
- [NEW]Send GUID with a DW error.
- [FIX]Fix thing at error class, when $config isn't a object. Now config will be loaded, and DW will be called again.
- [NEW]Disable DW at a update
- [FIX]Bugfix for latest visitors.
- [FIX]Possible error with st_die when install/developers dir exists.
- [FIX]Date() error in calender, when $timestamp is "all" ... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2006-01-25

RCTS 1.2.0 Release Candidate 2 released

We are proud to release Really Coding Traffic Statistics 1.2.0 Release Candidate 2. This version, called, "Welcome to the RCTS week!", is the second realease candidate. This version has been some small changes, and will be the begin of the RCTS week. In this week, there will be some changes in this week :). But, we don't tell anything about that :)

Changelog RC1 to RC2:
- [FIX]Fix a bug when install/developer dir exists, and st_die is called
- [FIX]Plugins updated with new calendar system
- [NEW]New GPL font
- [FIX]Rewrite base deleted, give to much problems
- [FIX]Error at phpbb plugin fixed.
- [NEW]New calendar class
- [FIX]Removed some hard core lang
- [NEW]Select the tab that you has used at config after an update for config.... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2006-01-23

RCTS 1.2.0 Release Candidate 1 Released

We are proud to present Really Coding Traffic Statistics Release Candidate 1.
This release is called "We don't have enough time". Within the next week, there will be a lot of changes with RCTS. It will be the RCTS week.
This week will be end friday 26 Januari with a special suprise.

The changelog of RC1:

Changelog RCTS 1.1.2 to 1.1.10:
- [FIX]JS error at submitting stats
- [FIX]st_die added for sql_query() with a array
- [FIX]Bugfix at error class: If there no Db connection, we must make it here, oterwise, it will be give problems
- [FIX]Added mode in array, otherwise the tab will not be correctly displayed at the new style
- [FIX]Some css And Xhtml improvements to the standaard template.
- [FIX]Footer2.html removed.
- [NEW]Template and lang chooser added to menu
- [FIX]added check for lang for not existings files
- [FIX]added lang name, for display in chooser
- [FIX]changed menu names with correct lang vars
- [FIX]changed menu desc's with correct lang vars
- [FIX]used get_var at lang class
- [FIX]removed some not important comment
- [FIX]removed some double css
- [FIX]Plugins moved from /staticData/ to /plugins/
- [FIX]Added some checks for not allowed chars to IF tags, and not allowed extensions to INCLUDE tags at template class
- [FIX]Phpbb plugin is working correct.
- [FIX]Removed session_start() at statsGet***.php files
- [FIX]Gzip is working again
- [NEW]Some extra debug information in the footer
- [FIX]translated dutch lang at kalender (Thanks to XP-rene)
- [FIX]Every template have his own cache for graphs (This is not completly used. Only if the new template there is, it is needed)
- [FIX]Fix for mod rewrite and template/lang chooser... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2006-01-18

Really Coding Traffic Statistics 1.2.0 Beta 2 released

We are proud to release the second beta of really coding traffic statistics 1.2.0. This release, called "The last beta", is our last beta.
With this release there are many bugfixes, and some new things.

- [fix] login at wizz fixed
- [new] username and password for config saved at db
- [new] functions.php splitted in some new files
- [fix] JavaScript at stats works completly with opera
- [new] Stats are now posted with ajax. (Requires a modern (ie5.5+, firefox, opera etc.)
- [fix] Fix for databases with special chars in his name, for phpbb plugin
- [new] Uncommented sql query's for phpbb plugin
- [fix] template always used from config array
- [fix] template dir must be lowercase
- [new] things from RCTS remote deleted
- [fix] Some debug removed at template class
- [fix] checkin for gzip changed
- [fix] Hardcore lang removed
- [new] User and password can be changed at config page
- [fix] month bug fix (Thanks to XP-rene)
- [fix] hour bug fix (Thanks to XP-rene)
- [new] versie.php added, you can always see here your version
- [new] Changed the way to display the menu (Required for new template!)
- [fix] Bugfix at class.graph.php
- [fix] create time fixed at graphs
- [new] Average online time added
- [fix] Install changed, better check for $_* vars, exploit checker added, comment translated.
- [new] Mysql error added to die at cannot connect to db.
- [new] Method of checking db connection correclty changed to ajax.
- [fix] Added die to lang files if they are directly called
- [fix] RSS fixed.
- [fix] Xhtml fixes
- [new] New plugin: Follow.
- [fix] Now use session, instead of cookies[/quote]... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2006-01-14

1.2.0 Beta1 released

We are proud to release Really Coding Traffic Statistics version 1.2.0 Beta 1. This is the first beta of the 1.2.0 version. This release is called, "2006 The great RCTS year.". Within the coming year, the first version of RCTS will be come!

With this version, there isn't a changelog, because it's to big.
The most importent things are,
*new plugin system
*A kalender
*SQL cache
*Better file cache
*And bugs... read more

Posted by Paul Sohier 2005-12-31

RCTS weekly update.

This is my first Weekly Update. In these updates, I’m trying to put the latest news of the week, every week!

- The Kalender system has started with development, and has been more or less completed.
- Almost everything in 1.2 works with PHP 5.1.1, without any errors!
- The CVS is there again!
- RCTS works in 1.2.0 without short_open_tags!
- Our designer, MrLucky, has started on the new style for 1.2!
- The images have changed you can put them under an angle, and the have a font style, arial.
- config.php has moved to includes.... read more

Posted by eroeling 2005-12-29