John Riddle - 2015-01-23

RS-DOS binary segment manipulator (RBSM) v1.00

Usage: java rb/rbsm [filename.bin] [-X]
-X option will exit after processing file. Useful for looking at a bunch of files at one time
Example Ubuntu command line: find *.BIN -print -exec java rb/rbsm '{}' -X \;

Versatile utility to manipulate RS-DOS binary files, particularly those with multiple segments (load addresses)

Automatically scans, splits and saves out binary file as multiple segment files (filename.s)

Create an empty file named "keepsegments" inside of the working directory, and the program will preserve all of the *.s files after existing, useful for debugging purposes

Features (entire .bin file) -
Add segment(s) to file
Remove segment(s) from file
Extract segment(s) to new file
Add, change, remove execution address

Features (individual segments) -
Add/Change/remove load address/length
Add or remove raw data to segment
Construct new segment from scratch

Features (basic) -
Add 32X16 text screen to binary file (for display while loading)
Remove text screen
Extract text screen into file
Add auto-start to program will start automatically after LOADM without needing EXEC
Remove auto-start added by RBSM

TODO Features (other, for advanced users)
Deep scan for oddball files
Deep - scan all bytes, ignoring preamble information
Custom scan - specify range for deep scan
Automatic or manual "back-to-back" segment condensing
TODO: Build binary files that load into multiple memory banks on Coco 3

Each menu allows for contextual hex-view


Last edit: John Riddle 2015-02-05