
Support of Razer Lachesis

  • ArtX

    ArtX - 2007-12-07

    I buy this mouse, Razer Lachesis, and i see this cool tool, but it don't support my mouse.
    How can I help you for support the Razer Lachesis?
    Good work

    • cnww

      cnww - 2007-12-10

      I have ordered a Lachesis to replace my current Copperhead (the side buttons are too small, or that's my excuse anyway ;).

      I also have a few years experience with applications-level programming and systems administration in Linux. Is there anything I can do to help add support for the "Synapse" memory on the Lachesis?

      p.s. I am, sadly, not expecting the Lachesis to show up until some time towards the end of December or early January (it's back ordered and everybody selling at or below MSRP seems to be sold out).

      If it's of any interest I'm running Debian 4.0 (Etch) i686.

      • Zinx Verituse

        Zinx Verituse - 2007-12-16

        The easiest way is to get me dumps from the Windows drivers (via sniff-usb @ , and not SnoopyPro in particular - SnoopyPro produces unusable dumps) doing the operations you want supported.  Note the file size of the log before and after each operation, and it may be wise to use a different mouse to move your cursor while doing the dumps.

        The other option is to buy me one :/

    • Crinos512

      Crinos512 - 2008-02-04

      Did you ever get a usable Lachesis dump? ...If not I will get one for you!

    • ArtX

      ArtX - 2008-02-23

      I have send you an eMail with sourceforge with the link for downloads the dumps that i try to did.
      I use the software that you post, but if you want I know a friend that can to dumps with an hardware machine for dump.
      Try to see if you can.
      I dont know if I get a usable dump, its my first dump, so you can try also you and send it please.
      I send also an email to Razer and they respond that they don't have a plan for linux drivers but they send my email to razer developers.

    • Selfpwned

      Selfpwned - 2008-07-28

      Just a question...

      Is this project dead? The last post in the forum was months ago.
      Since i bought the lachesis, i would be very happy if you would release a razer lachesis tool.

      Many thanks

    • Ape3000

      Ape3000 - 2008-11-02

      I would also like to have the Lachesis support. Isn't there anybody who could do it?


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