

  • zoltan

    zoltan - 2006-08-29

    I'd like to try if this will work for the older 1600dpi Razer Diamondback mouse, but before I do, I have to ask: Will it kill my mouse?
    (Of course I don't want to do firmware upgrades, I'm just interested in changing resolution and binding buttons)

    • Zinx Verituse

      Zinx Verituse - 2006-09-19

      At this time, it doesn't work the the Diamondback (mostly because I don't know how to talk to the Diamondback).  But it will probably only change the DPI when it does.  It won't destroy the mouse - I doubt there's anything that can be done from software to destroy that mouse, since it doesn't have the capability to remember anything itself.

      • cynoclast

        cynoclast - 2008-11-10

        I have a Razer Diamondback (two actually) How do I get the information you need?

        I have Windows XP and Ubuntu.

    • John_Poot

      John_Poot - 2006-12-03

      Hello there.
      Wondering where we're at with the Diamondback mouse.

      Actually, I wouldn't be if my XServer didn't crash out almost every time I doctor the mouse config details.
      I know it shouldn't do that just because of a few changes for a mouse, but it does and it's wearing a tad thin after a few months:-)

      Last I saw, someone was gonna provide some details of the
      USB activity relating to various buttons being used.

      Question is, has that happened yet?

      If that hasn't happened, needless to say, I'm willing to provide information as required.
      This can be from either the WinXP or the Linux (Ubuntu Edgy) viewpoint.
      I'm also toying with setting up KateOS on a laptop, which I could also provide information about if needs be.
      I say this because because it appears from a reading of the literature on the more complex mice that  they seem to behave differently on different Distros, and even differently on successive versions of the same distros...And then there's imwheel. Good Grief!!

      Amazingly enough the folk over at XOrg don't appear to give a shit about mice. I guess they ALL use only their keyboards, unlike us mere mortals:-) They've built recognition into their proggie of course, but there the story ends. Hell, people of all complexions of of Linux systems are having troubles with even the most common mice on the planet, like the logitech MX series and Microsoft..
      Disgusting that mouse manufacturers can totally ignore a major proportion of their customers. Enough with the politics, and yes, I've sent some blistering emails off to the mousey salesdroids. Just haven't bothered to try the 'smack the CEO in the mouth" approach yet. That's a thrill in store.

      Anyhow any way I can help...
      I've very fond of my Razerback and I don't want to have to junk it just yet, if at all.

      • Zinx Verituse

        Zinx Verituse - 2006-12-03

        I've not yet received any info.

        • John_Poot

          John_Poot - 2006-12-04

          Ok, fire away with what you need - and what tricks I need to do I need to provide the information on the Doamondback.

          I saw a mention of some Windows ???snoop program that can be used - could you name it for me please?
          I'm thinking you'll need the baseline Diamondback info from a Windows machine.
          As for Linux, I'm no expert on it, and the only think I know of that'll tell me much is the xev program, and that'll be warped by my Xorg config, so I'll have to test with XOrg neutral by getting the .conf file to renew. No problem there.
          The problem with xev is that it's output is somewhat skittish, and there may be a better 'single' event tester out there somewhere.
          Can't seem to find one in the Ubuntu repos at this point.
          So, can you help there?

          There's another problem out there, too - I've heard that some of these mice exhibit different behaviours depending on whether Windows was booted before Linux on dual boot machines. Bios interest there, I guess.
          Hmm. I hope that's just a nasty rumour:-)


    • clem-vangelis

      clem-vangelis - 2007-05-10

      I have a diamondback too , and i really want to see this mouse working well under linux ( atm only button 4 and 5 are recognized...) , I'm ready to do a lot of things ( included dissecting my mouse if needed :D ) , contact me at clemvangelis [ at ] gmail dot com

    • clem-vangelis

      clem-vangelis - 2007-05-10

      To  verify what john_poot said with windows and the mouse behaviour i have boot under windows and then booting under linux , effectively the mouse acts different after booting under windows , before booting windows the 2 left button of my mouse where only recognized ( front left button = previous and rear left button = next ) , after booting windows and came back to linux it appears that the previous and next button of my mouse where the same than in windows ( i.e : the front left button = previous and the front right button = next ) , strange behaviour :/


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