
RavenCore 0.0.3 released, more distributions supported

I am pleased to annouce the release of RavenCore version 0.0.3, which contains the ability to support a wider range of linux distributions. These distros include: Fedora Core 1 through 4, RedHat Enterprise 3 & 4 ( as well as clones, such as CentOS ), Ubuntu Linux, and Trustix Secure Linux (TSL).

I am also quite confident that RavenCore will work on Debian as well ( since Ubuntu is Debian based ), but I have not had a chance to get my hands on a server with Debian installed. RavenCore will also work with Mandrake 10, but some manual tweaking needs to be done.

My next goal is to get SuSE Linux fully supported along with Debian and Mandrake, wich should be implemented by the next release.

This week I will be working on getting some solid documentation of the functionality of RavenCore onto this website, which will mean a larger FAQ, installation guides for each supported distro, and an overall manual. If anyone is willing to help out with this, that would be greatly appriciated.

RavenCore Administrator

Posted by Corey 2013-04-25

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