Activity for raspicam

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel created ticket #30

    Memory leak in private_types.h membuf class

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel modified a comment on ticket #29

    I needed the ability to change the brightness and contrast on the fly, but setting the parameters without releasing the camera gave different results than when I would restart my program and use the same settings with a fresh instance of RaspiCam_Still. So, today I looked into implementing the release() function. I have a version which works, and would like to propose adding it to the next version of raspicam. Proposed changes: raspicam_still.h -- remove comment "//not working" raspicam_still.cpp...

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel modified a comment on ticket #29

    I needed the ability to change the brightness and contrast on the fly, but setting the parameters without releasing the camera gave different results than when I would restart my program and use the same settings with a fresh instance of RaspiCam_Still. So, today I looked into implementing the release() function. I have a version which works, and would like to propose adding it to the next version of raspicam. Proposed changes: raspicam_still.h -- remove comment "//not working" raspicam_still.cpp...

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel modified a comment on ticket #29

    I needed the ability to change the brightness and contrast on the fly, but setting the parameters without releasing the camera gave different results than when I would restart my program and use the same settings with a fresh instance of RaspiCam_Still. So, today I looked into implementing the release() function. I have a version which works, and would like to propose adding it to the next version of raspicam. Proposed changes: raspicam_still.h -- remove comment "//not working" raspicam_still.cpp...

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel modified a comment on ticket #29

    I needed the ability to change the brightness and contrast on the fly, but setting the parameters without releasing the camera gave different results than when I would restart my program and use the same settings with a fresh instance of RaspiCam_Still. So, today I looked into implementing the release() function. I have a version which works, and would like to propose adding it to the next version of raspicam. Proposed changes: raspicam_still.h -- remove comment "//not working" raspicam_still.cpp...

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel modified a comment on ticket #29

    I needed the ability to change the brightness and contrast on the fly, but setting the parameters without releasing the camera gave different results than when I would restart my program and use the same settings with a fresh instance of RaspiCam_Still. So, today I looked into implementing the release() function. I have a version which works, and would like to propose adding it to the next version of raspicam. Proposed changes: raspicam_still.h -- remove comment "//not working" raspicam_still.cpp...

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel modified a comment on ticket #29

    I needed the ability to change the brightness and contrast on the fly, but setting the parameters without releasing the camera gave different results than when I would restart my program and use the same settings with a fresh instance of RaspiCam_Still. So, today I looked into implementing the release() function. I have a version which works, and would like to propose adding it to the next version of raspicam. Proposed changes: raspicam_still.h -- remove comment "//not working" raspicam_still.cpp...

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel posted a comment on ticket #29

    I needed the ability to change the brightness and contrast on the fly, but setting the parameters without releasing the camera gave different results than when I would restart my program and use the same settings with a fresh instance of RaspiCam_Still. So, today I looked into implementing the release() function. I have a version which works, and would like to propose adding it to the next version of raspicam. Proposed changes: raspicam_still.h -- remove comment "//not working" raspicam_still.cpp...

  • QuietPixel QuietPixel created ticket #29

    Working implementation of RaspiCam_Still::release ()

  • raspicam raspicam updated /Changelog

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • Steven Scott Steven Scott created ticket #28

    compiling c++ with a raspicam call

  • Nicolas Abril Nicolas Abril posted a comment on ticket #26

    Another solution would be detecting the opencv version being used and decide to use the older CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH or the newer cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH from videoio.h

  • Phil Culverhouse Phil Culverhouse created ticket #27

    Stereo still image pairs from Raspicam

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • OldETC OldETC posted a comment on ticket #21

    further research: refer to "libelf by Example", a pdf file talking about the format of ELF binary files. It appears that the ELF header has a string table i.e. strtab built in. So when the files are built by the make command, the string table is created (there are three tables in the file with strtab being the last.) Something is messing up the g++ compiler. When the loader access the file, it attempts to read the string tables to identify each library file''s content and locate the procedures. With...

  • OldETC OldETC posted a comment on ticket #21

    I begain experiencing these errors just recently. I attempted to rebuild raspicam and got the errors as well: /************/ -- Build files have been written to: /home/pi/cloud/raspicam/raspicam-0.1.6/build pi@Ppi1:~/cloud/raspicam/raspicam-0.1.6/build $ make Scanning dependencies of target raspicam_cv [ 5%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/raspicam_cv.dir/raspicam_cv.cpp.o [ 11%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/raspicam_cv.dir/raspicam_still_cv.cpp.o [ 17%] Linking CXX shared library

  • Felix Nilius Felix Nilius created ticket #26

    Incompatibility with OpenCV4 due to disparition of OpenCV enum values like CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH

  • sheela sheela posted a comment on ticket #25

    raspicam captured imaged

  • sheela sheela created ticket #25

    Captured image quality

  • Tomi Maila Tomi Maila created ticket #24

    Shared library raspicam_cv missing private dependencies

  • Bob Haines Bob Haines modified a comment on ticket #21

    More information: if I follow the steps listed on this page: (identical to the sourceforge readme file I think). This is built using cmake (I have very little experience with cmake). The library builds along with executables for raspicam_cv_still_test, raspicam_cv_test, raspicam_still_test and raspicam_test. All of the executables created with the cmake scripts run correctly. However, if I follow the directions for "Using it in your projects", I am unable...

  • Bob Haines Bob Haines posted a comment on ticket #21

    More information: if I follow the steps listed on this page: (identical to the sourceforge readme file I think). This is built using cmake (I have very little experience with cmake). The library builds along with executables for raspicam_cv_still_test, raspicam_cv_test, raspicam_still_test and raspicam_test. All of the executables created with the cmake scripts run correctly. However, if I follow the directions for "Using it in your projects", I am unable...

  • Bob Haines Bob Haines posted a comment on ticket #21

    I have this problem too. Raspberry pi 3 model B. I'm guessing this is something simple? It seems to be preventing me from a successful build in the later steps.

  • John D. Gwinner John D. Gwinner created ticket #23

    Build warnings

  • Dr. Ulrich Ruhnau Dr. Ulrich Ruhnau posted a comment on ticket #9

    This Picture ist overexposed. You should set the exposure mode to auto.

  • Karl Mueller Karl Mueller posted a comment on ticket #21

    I have this problem as well. Raspberry pi 3 model B libraries built with version 0.1.6 and 0.1.4 fail to link when included in my project. The problem doesn't seem to happen in version 0.1.3

  • preacious-roy preacious-roy posted a comment on ticket #22

    Hey i am having the same problem, in the attachement you can see it hangs at capture. I ran the default test app with no changes. right after a fresh start. Also a side note: make install does not copy the raspicam_still.h file (i manually copied it and everything builds fine)

  • Nacho Sánchez Moreno Nacho Sánchez Moreno created ticket #22

    fatal problem

  • Nacho Sánchez Moreno Nacho Sánchez Moreno created ticket #21

    strange messages

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • raspicam raspicam released /Changelog

  • Rafael Munoz-Salinas Rafael Munoz-Salinas posted a comment on ticket #18

    added in 0.1.4

  • Rafael Munoz-Salinas Rafael Munoz-Salinas posted a comment on ticket #19

    added in version 0.1.4

  • Rafael Munoz-Salinas Rafael Munoz-Salinas posted a comment on ticket #20

    fixed in version 0.1.4

  • Thomas_n Thomas_n modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I use raspicam library from ( I...

  • Thomas_n Thomas_n posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I change the frame rate inside the file src/private/private_impl.cpp to 60. I can...

  • Will Will posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey, I am using the raspicam 0.1.1 lib and want to change the FPS of my RaspiCam_Cv...

  • Denis Dowling Denis Dowling posted a comment on ticket #20

    See new mmal_util_rgb_order_fixed function in

  • Denis Dowling Denis Dowling posted a comment on ticket #20

    Here are some related posts from the raspberry pi forums about the change in enum...

  • Denis Dowling Denis Dowling created ticket #20


  • Denis Dowling Denis Dowling created ticket #19

    Add control of the frame rate

  • Tamas Lippenyi Tamas Lippenyi created ticket #18

    I have implemented the camera rotation in CV module.

  • Nate G Nate G created ticket #17

    Support for multiple camera modules

  • Nate G Nate G created ticket #16

    Support for multiple camera modules

  • Nate G Nate G posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, A simple question, is there current support or future planned support for...

  • darshan k s darshan k s modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    from link getting errors as below...

  • Dwayne Dwayne posted a comment on ticket #15

    Also I forgot to include the version I am using is V0.1.3.

  • HGBox HGBox posted a comment on ticket #13

    And how did you set fps using raspicam? It doesn't seem to implemented. The only...

  • Dwayne Dwayne created ticket #15

    Exposure control in raspicam_still_cv

  • nunah nunah created ticket #14

    Problems compiling simple test

  • Jan Kucera Jan Kucera posted a comment on ticket #2

    Erik, your solution is working for me! Thanks a lot!

  • Jan Kucera Jan Kucera posted a comment on ticket #12

    Hi, I also have the same problem on Raspberry Pi with OpenCV2 (I guess it is 2.4.10)....

  • Uriah Uriah posted a comment on ticket #13

    The Raspberry Pi prioritizes the frame rate over the resolution. Lowering the frame...

  • Uriah Uriah created ticket #13

    Cropped sensor area with 5MP video mode

  • Jesper Henriksen Jesper Henriksen posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Would it be possible to have the raspicam lib support ROI extraction? I've tried...

  • Jesper Henriksen Jesper Henriksen posted a comment on ticket #11

    You might want to take a look at this:

  • Steffen Ehrle Steffen Ehrle posted a comment on ticket #12

    I solved the Problem, by writing cv:: instead of CV_ for every variable. If anyone...

  • Steffen Ehrle Steffen Ehrle created ticket #12

    Problems Compiling Raspicam with OpenCV 3.0 due to undeclared variables

  • Denis Gottardello Denis Gottardello created ticket #11

    Correct implementation of raspicam

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • raspicam raspicam released /README

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • created ticket #10

    [C++] raspicam::grab() go into deadlock

  • posted a comment on ticket #8

    bad news ... deadlock again after about 2 hours of running.

  • posted a comment on ticket #8

    Probably same issue here : my c++ program loop on raspicam+zbar (QR reader) and enter...

  • Plunder Plunder posted a comment on ticket #8

    This may be a raspberry pi firmware issue, after downgrading firmware to: sudo rpi-update...

  • cedricve cedricve created ticket #9

    Bad image quality

  • Plunder Plunder created ticket #8

    RaspiCam_Cv gets deadlocked calling Camera.grab

  • kbarni kbarni posted a comment on ticket #7

    Here is a quick'n dirty implementation of the release function. It still has bugs...

  • kbarni kbarni posted a comment on ticket #7

    One more observation about this bug: the camera isn't freed at all before quitting...

  • kbarni kbarni created ticket #7

    release function not implemented in raspicam_still and raspicam_still_cv

  • John Gaby John Gaby posted a comment on ticket #5


  • HGBox HGBox created ticket #6

    YUV not working in still mode

  • HGBox HGBox posted a comment on ticket #5

    It's the same as in RPi raspivid and raspistill programs. Basically the still mode...

  • John Gaby John Gaby created ticket #5

    raspicam.h vs raspicam_still.h

  • litory litory posted a comment on ticket #4

    Dear Rafa, The fix is successfull we tested it. Thanks for the fast repair. Best...

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • AVA Group AVA Group posted a comment on ticket #4

    Problem hopefully fixed. Download newest version and check please. Regards Rafa On...

  • raspicam raspicam released /

  • litory litory created ticket #4

    Release Camera Error

  • raspicam raspicam released /raspicam-0.0.7.tgz

  • brobert brobert created ticket #3

    Linker error while creating raspicam_cv_test with static lib

  • magnatag magnatag modified a comment on ticket #2

    That makes sense. I'll give that a try. Thanks! You're more guru than me, that's...

  • magnatag magnatag posted a comment on ticket #2

    That makes sense. I'll give that a try. Thanks! You're more guru that me, that's...

  • Erik Petrich Erik Petrich posted a comment on ticket #2

    I ran into this problem as well. I'm not a cmake guru, so there may be a better way,...

  • magnatag magnatag created ticket #2

    Error compiling simpletest_raspicam_cv.cpp

  • raspicam raspicam released /