

Arjan van Lent

Welcome to the rasp-get wiki!

This project is in an early development state so you can still expect some bugs in there.
Rasp-get includes wrappers for Debian (apt-get), ArchLinux (pacman) and RedHat (yum) which include the basic packagemanagement tasks.
It will be very easy to add support for other distributions by simply editing one of the included .function files.

    rasp-get [Action] [FileName(s) or Path on which to execute the action]

    Action:     (Alias:)   Descryption:
        install               Install a package or a list of packages
        remove (uninstall)    Remove a package or a list of packages
        localinstall (installpkg)  Install a local package or port
        wwwinstall            Download package from url and perform
                              a localinstall
        sync                  Refresh the configured repositories
        upgrade               Update all upgradable packages
        search                Search the repositories for a package
        clean                 Clean the download cache
        depclean              Remove and clean orphaned packages
        help (--help) (-h)    Show this help text


For now the only way to obtain rasp-get is by grabbing the sources using GIT.

git clone git:// raspget-code

BSD Open Source Licence; Use and fork any way you like, you deserve it ;)
Don't forget to share!!!!!