

  • William

    William - 2017-03-02

    Now that g729 is royalty free can it be included in the base image?

    • Gernot

      Gernot - 2017-03-05

      Here we go:

      apt-get update && apt-get install asterisk13-codecg729

      Credits go to Rajib's excellent instructions, see here:

      I've tested this on an old Pi1 and it took around 17% cpu for the transcoding. Sound quality was good as well. Please test it yourself and give some feedback.

  • zeler christian

    zeler christian - 2017-03-02

    G729 is not royalty free and can't be inculded in any distribution, only a tutorial to do it is tolerated
    Mark Spencer has offered a complete telephony server but just kept a paid feature as livelihood.
    Ian Murdock gave his life for freedom and for eploitation system you use.
    My side I often make small contributions to large free software that I use, and these small contributions do not make a big hole in my budget.

    • VoIPuser

      VoIPuser - 2017-03-03


      "As of January 1, 2017 the patent terms of most Licensed Patents under the G.729 Consortium have expired, the remaining unexpired patents are usable on a royalty-free basis.[7] Thus, G.729 can be used free-of-charge."

      Source: which is quoting from

      Given the preachy tone of your post, you owe the OP a big fat apology!!!


      Last edit: VoIPuser 2017-03-03
  • zeler christian

    zeler christian - 2017-03-03

    Yes you are true for the preachy tone, sometime it happen to me, I think I'm a god, especially late in the night, but after a night of sleep everything is better :-)
    Thanks for this great information !

  • Geners

    Geners - 2017-04-20

    not load module :(

    Connected to Asterisk 13.15.0 currently running on 123 (pid = 10062)
    123*CLI> module load
    Unable to load module
    Command 'module load' failed.
    [2017-04-20 20:44:19] WARNING[15116]: loader.c:556 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    [2017-04-20 20:44:19] WARNING[15116]: loader.c:1090 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.

  • Gernot

    Gernot - 2017-04-23

    I'm sorry for this bug. I've added the missing library and updated the repository, you can get the codec with:

    apt-get update && apt-get install asterisk13-codecg729
  • Geners

    Geners - 2017-04-24

    Many thanks

  • carriba

    carriba - 2017-07-13

    Above looks very good. Any chance to get the bespoken library also available for Asterisk 11 running on Raspbian Wheezy (using a Raspberry Pi 1 B+)?

    Im following the instructions Compiling G.729 for RasPBX, however do not seem to get it running with.

    Any pointer appreciated, and will look into this further...


    Last edit: carriba 2017-07-13

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