
SCCP Phone cannot receive calls

  • Alessandro Tischer

    Hello everyone, I have a problem completing the setup of a Cisco phone.

    This is what I did:

    • Set up a Raspbx
    • Configured 3 SIP softphones.
    • Added a Cisco 6901 SCCP phone as following:
    • Installed SCCP module with:
      apt-get update apt-get install chan-sccp-ast16
    • Set pbx ip address as tftp server on the phone
      Added to the t
      ftp root folder the Configuration XML (named with SEPMAC.cnf.xml) as following:
                    <member priority="0">
    • Configured sccp.conf in /etc/asterisk/ as following:
    servername = SCCP
    keepalive = 60
    debug = 1
    context = from-internal
    dateformat = M.D.YA
    bindaddr =
    port = 2000
    disallow = all
    allow = ulaw
    allow = alaw
    firstdigittimeout = 16
    digittimeout = 5
    autoanswer_ring_time = 1
    autoanswer_tone = 0x32
    remotehangup_tone = 0x32
    transfer_tone = 0
    transfer_on_hangup = on
    callwaiting_tone = 0x2d
    permit =
    nat = on
    dndFeature = on
    sccp_tos = 0x68
    sccp_cos = 4
    audio_tos = 0xB8
    audio_cos = 6
    video_tos = 0x88
    video_cos = 5
    echocancel = on
    silencesuppression = off
    private = on
    callanswerorder = oldestfirst
    directed_pickup_modeanswer = on
    [SEP0CD0F821DDE4] # Cisco IP Phone MAC
    type = device
    devicetype = 6901 # Device Number
    description = 115 # Extension Number
    button = line, 115, default
    button = line, 111
    [115] # Extension Number
    type = line
    mailbox = 115@from-internal
    label = 115 # Name to appear
    cid_num = 115
    context = from-internal

    Now the Cisco phone can call other available extensions (any of the three softphones), but I get this log from asterisk whenever I start a call (log begins when I lift the hook):


    And I cannot make calls from any SIP to the Cisco phone.

    Do you guys have any advice?
    Thank you very much



    Discussion: general

  • gdesilva

    gdesilva - 2020-11-20

    What version of SIP are you running on the phones? Are the Cisco phones registered?

    • Alessandro Tischer

      Sorry, what do you mean? I'm not very familiar with this world...

  • gdesilva

    gdesilva - 2020-11-22

    Hi Alessandro, Cisco handsets are loaded with SCCP protocol stack to work with Cisco Call Manager. If you want to use it to run as a SIP phone you would need to load the Cisco SIP images on these phones. I haven't had anything to do with 6901 handsets - I use 7970G and 7960 handsets and I had to manually load the Cisco SIP POS3-8-12-00 software image before I could connect to a Raspbx system.

    It looks like one can run SCCP protocol on Asterisk but I have never done it and cannot comment on it. You may want to check out the following link

    Not sure whether the modules needed for SCCP support are available for Raspbx though - perhaps someone who has tried it will comment on this.

    EDIT: details are given here


    Last edit: gdesilva 2020-11-22

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