
Received Calls close after 32sec

  • Agnese

    Agnese - 2023-11-02

    Hi all, the received calls of my raspbx auto close after 32 seconds, even if the destination is an extension or a queue or whatever.
    I have tried to enable DMZ on the firewall to bypass any nat problem, but no effect.
    I attach the full log of a call. I hope someone could help me.


    Last edit: Agnese 2023-11-02
  • Agnese

    Agnese - 2023-11-04

    I've checkd and ufw is not installed and iptables is inactive.
    I've even tried to disable every filter rule, but nothing.
    I'm driving crazy.
    Please any advice?

  • gdesilva

    gdesilva - 2023-11-05

    From your log all I can infer is that both your handsets are in network and I presume the PBX is network. Not sure what is.....???

    Have you tried first getting everything working in a local LAN - ie. handsets plus the PBX and then when all the features are working to move required devices to other networks? This would vastly simplify the troubleshooting process....and I doubt very much the issue has anything to do with the Raspbx version you are running.

    At least a simple schematic will help everyone here.

  • Agnese

    Agnese - 2023-11-08

    I've found the problem! I have used a wrong dial pattern on the Outgoing route?!?!?!?
    Frustrating! I've been struggling for days.....

  • gdesilva

    gdesilva - 2023-11-08

    Glad to hear you sorted it all out.


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